我想將私鑰作為使用者的輸入,並使用 C# 將其轉換為錢包地址。
Key privateKey = new Key(); PubKey publicKey = privateKey.PubKey; Console.WriteLine(publicKey.GetAddress(ScriptPubKeyType.Legacy, Network.Main));
Console.WriteLine("Enter private key:"); string pk = Console.ReadLine(); var bitcoinPrivateKey = new BitcoinSecret(pk, Network.Main); var legacy_address = bitcoinPrivateKey.GetAddress(ScriptPubKeyType.Legacy); Console.WriteLine("Legacy Address :" + legacy_address);
如果您想獲得 p2sh-segwit 和 bech32 地址,請添加以下行:
var p2shsegwit_address = bitcoinPrivateKey.GetAddress(ScriptPubKeyType.SegwitP2SH); var nativesegwit_address = bitcoinPrivateKey.GetAddress(ScriptPubKeyType.Segwit); Console.WriteLine("P2SH-Segwit Address :" + p2shsegwit_address); Console.WriteLine("Bech32 Address :" + nativesegwit_address);
//usage: //$ yarn add bip32 bip39 // node --version is 16.1.0 const bs58check = require('bs58check'); const bip39 = require("bip39"); const bip32 = require("bip32"); const createHash = require('create-hash'); function addr(node) { var hash = node.identifier; // hash160 of the publicKey const payload = Buffer.allocUnsafe(21); var version = 0x0; payload.writeUInt8(version, 0); hash.copy(payload, 1); var address = bs58check.encode(payload); return address; } var puzzle = "some puzzle you inputting"; var entropy = createHash("sha256").update(puzzle).digest().toString("hex"); console.log("entropy: " + entropy); var mnemonic = bip39.entropyToMnemonic(entropy); console.log("mnemonic: " + mnemonic); var passphrase = ""; var seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic, passphrase); var master = bip32.fromSeed(seed); // m // generate 10 btc addresses... for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var node = master.derivePath("m/44'/0'/0'/1/" + i); var address = addr(node); console.log("BTC #" + i + ": " + address); }