ICO 合約地址轉移 關於
我正在使用此契約程式碼並想創建 ico 契約。但是當我創建合約程式碼並嘗試轉移 eth 時,我遇到了錯誤。我無法將乙太坊轉移到 ico 合約地址。
警告!合約執行過程中遇到的錯誤$$ Bad jump destination $$
你能幫助我嗎 ?
pragma solidity ^0.4.6; import "./ABCToken.sol"; import "./SafeMath.sol"; ABCToken public ABCToken; // Address of the founder of ABC. address public founder = 0x3311111111111111111111111111111111111133; // Address where all tokens created during ICO stage initially allocated address public allocationAddress = 0x2111111111111111111111111111111111111111; // Start date of the ICO uint public startDate = 1524528001; // End date of the ICO uint public endDate = 1535068801; // Token price without discount during the ICO stage uint public baseTokenPrice = 10000000; // 0.001 ETH, considering 8 decimal places // Number of tokens distributed to investors uint public tokensDistributed = 0; /* * Modifiers */ modifier onlyFounder() { // Only founder is allowed to do this action. if (msg.sender != founder) { throw; } _; } modifier minInvestment(uint investment) { // User has to send at least the ether value of one token. if (investment < baseTokenPrice) { throw; } _; } /// @dev Returns current bonus function getCurrentBonus() public constant returns (uint) { return getBonus(now); } /// @dev Returns bonus for the specific moment /// @param timestamp Time of investment (in seconds) function getBonus(uint timestamp) public constant returns (uint) { if (timestamp > endDate) { throw; } if (startDate > timestamp) { return 1499; // 49.9% } uint icoDuration = timestamp - startDate; if (icoDuration >= 16 days) { return 1000; // 0% } else if (icoDuration >= 9 days) { return 1125; // 12.5% } else if (icoDuration >= 2 days) { return 1250; // 25% } else { return 1499; // 49.9% } } function calculateTokens(uint investment, uint timestamp) public constant returns (uint) { // calculate discountedPrice uint discountedPrice = div(mul(baseTokenPrice, 1000), getBonus(timestamp)); // Token count is rounded down. Sent ETH should be multiples of baseTokenPrice. return div(investment, discountedPrice); } /// @dev Issues tokens for users who made BTC purchases. /// @param beneficiary Address the tokens will be issued to. /// @param investment Invested amount in Wei /// @param timestamp Time of investment (in seconds) function fixInvestment(address beneficiary, uint investment, uint timestamp) external onlyFounder minInvestment(investment) returns (uint) { // Calculate number of tokens to mint uint tokenCount = calculateTokens(investment, timestamp); // Update fund's and user's balance and total supply of tokens. tokensDistributed = add(tokensDistributed, tokenCount); // Distribute tokens. if (!ABCToken.transferFrom(allocationAddress, beneficiary, tokenCount)) { // Tokens could not be issued. throw; } return tokenCount; } /// @dev Contract constructor function ABCICO(address tokenAddress, address founderAddress) { // Set token address ABCToken = ABCToken(tokenAddress); // Set founder address founder = founderAddress; } /// @dev Fallback function function () payable { throw; }
s,因此拒絕了 eth 轉移。從官方文件中查看這個
好的,我更改了備份功能並解決了問題,但現在 Ico 合約無法向我轉移代幣。契約正在採取乙太坊機器人沒有轉移代幣。
IcoDuration 正在工作我在 +2 天期間。