.但是,這些 bitcoin-cli 查詢可能很慢。那麼有沒有辦法“攔截”我的節點中繼的每一個有效交易而無需使用比特幣cli?最好使用PHP?
所以這是一個用 PHP 編寫的基本“節點”。
<?php // -------- // SETTINGS // -------- $version = 60002; $node = array('', 8333); // node you want to connect to $local = array('', 8333); // our ip and port list($node_ip, $node_port) = $node; list($local_ip, $local_port) = $local; echo "\nNode\n----\n"; echo 'version: '.$version.PHP_EOL; echo 'node: '.implode($node, ':').PHP_EOL; echo 'local: '.implode($local, ':').PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; // ------------------ // 1. VERSION MESSAGE // ------------------ // General Functions function fieldsize($field, $bytes = 1) { $length = $bytes * 2; $result = str_pad($field, $length, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); return $result; } function swapEndian($hex) { return implode('', array_reverse(str_split($hex, 2))); } function byteSpaces($bytes) { // add spaces between bytes $bytes = implode(str_split(strtoupper($bytes), 2), ' '); return $bytes; } // Version Message Functions function timestamp($time) { // convert timestamp to network byte order $time = dechex($time); $time = fieldsize($time, 8); $time = swapEndian($time); return byteSpaces($time); } function networkaddress($ip, $port = '8333') { // convert ip address to network byte order $services = '01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'; // 1 = NODE_NETWORK $ipv6_prefix = '00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF'; $ip = explode('.', $ip); $ip = array_map("dechex", $ip); $ip = array_map("fieldsize", $ip); $ip = array_map("strtoupper", $ip); $ip = implode($ip, ' '); $port = dechex($port); // for some fucking reason this is big-endian $port = byteSpaces($port); return "$services $ipv6_prefix $ip $port"; } function checksum($string) { $string = hex2bin($string); $hash = hash('sha256', hash('sha256', $string, true)); $checksum = substr($hash, 0, 8); return byteSpaces($checksum); } // MAKE MESSAGES function makeMessage($payload) { // Header $magicbytes = 'F9 BE B4 D9'; $command = '76 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 00 00 00 00 00'; $payload_size = bytespaces(swapEndian(fieldsize(dechex(strlen($payload) / 2), 4))); $checksum = checksum($payload); $header_array = [ 'magicbytes' => $magicbytes, 'command' => $command, 'payload_size' => $payload_size, 'checksum' => $checksum, ]; $header = str_replace(' ', '', implode($header_array)); echo 'Header: '; print_r($header_array); return $header.$payload; } function makeVersionPayload($version, $node_ip, $node_port, $local_ip, $local_port) { // settings $services = '01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'; // (1 = NODE_NETORK) $user_agent = '00'; $start_height = 0; // prepare $version = bytespaces(swapEndian(fieldsize(dechex($version), 4))); $timestamp = timestamp(time()); // 73 43 c9 57 00 00 00 00 $recv = networkaddress($node_ip, $node_port); $from = networkaddress($local_ip, $local_port); $nonce = bytespaces(swapEndian(fieldsize(dechex(mt_rand()), 8))); $start_height = bytespaces(swapEndian(fieldsize(dechex($start_height), 4))); $version_array = [ // hexadecimal, network byte order 'version' => $version, // 4 bytes (60002) 'services' => $services, // 8 bytes 'timestamp' => $timestamp, // 8 bytes 'addr_recv' => $recv, // 26 bytes 'addr_from' => $from, // 26 bytes 'nonce' => $nonce, // 8 bytes 'user_agent' => $user_agent, // varint 'start_height' => $start_height // 4 bytes ]; $version_payload = str_replace(' ', '', implode($version_array)); echo 'Version Payload: '; print_r($version_array); return $version_payload; } // ----------------- // 2. SOCKET CONNECT // ----------------- // Print socket error function function error() { $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return $error.PHP_EOL; } // i. Create Version Message (needs to be sent to node you want to connect to) echo "Connect\n-------\n"; $payload = makeVersionPayload($version, $node_ip, $node_port, $local_ip, $local_port); $message = makeMessage($payload); $message_size = strlen($message) / 2; // the size of the message (in bytes) being sent // ii. Connect to socket and send version message $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 6); // IPv4, TCP uses this type, TCP protocol socket_connect($socket, $node_ip, $node_port); socket_send($socket, hex2bin($message), $message_size, 0); // don't forget to send message in binary // iii. Keep receiving data (inv messages) from the node we just connected to echo "\nReceiving packets from $node_ip...\n\n"; while (true) { if (socket_recv($socket, $buffer, pow(2,10), MSG_DONTWAIT)) { echo bin2hex($buffer)."\n\n"; } } /* Resources - - */
只需更改您要連接的節點頂部的 IP,它就會開始接收它發回的每條消息。
**獎勵:**這是 Python 中的一個:在 Python 中建立對等連接