
如何在 Windows 中使用命令行打開 bitcoind -daemon?

  • May 9, 2020

我在以下路徑上創建了一個 conf 文件:


當我執行 Bitcoind 文件時,什麼也沒有發生。我的命令行視窗變得像在等待一樣沒有響應。我等了大約 1 個小時,我的電腦非常高端(i7 處理器,16gb 記憶體)。


我想執行伺服器並在 bitcoind 伺服器上觸發一些命令。


# bitcoin.conf configuration file. Lines beginning with # are comments.

# Network-related settings:

# Run on the test network instead of the real bitcoin network.

# Connect via a socks4 proxy

##            Quick Primer on addnode vs connect            ##
##  Let's say for instance you use addnode=          ##
##  addnode will connect you to and tell you about the      ##
##    nodes connected to  In addition it will tell ##
##    the other nodes connected to it that you exist so     ##
##    they can connect to you.                              ##
##  connect will not do the above when you 'connect' to it. ##
##    It will *only* connect you to and no one else.##
##                                                          ##
##  So if you're behind a firewall, or have other problems  ##
##  finding nodes, add some using 'addnode'.                ##
##                                                          ##
##  If you want to stay private, use 'connect' to only      ##
##  connect to "trusted" nodes.                             ##
##                                                          ##
##  If you run multiple nodes on a LAN, there's no need for ##
##  all of them to open lots of connections.  Instead       ##
##  'connect' them all to one node that is port forwarded   ##
##  and has lots of connections.                            ##
##       Thanks goes to [Noodle] on Freenode.               ##

# Use as many addnode= settings as you like to connect to specific peers

# ... or use as many connect= settings as you like to connect ONLY
# to specific peers:

# Do not use Internet Relay Chat ( #bitcoin channel) to
# find other peers.

# Maximum number of inbound+outbound connections.

# JSON-RPC options (for controlling a running Bitcoin/bitcoind process)

 server=1 #tells Bitcoin-QT to accept JSON-RPC commands.

# You must set rpcuser and rpcpassword to secure the JSON-RPC api

# How many seconds bitcoin will wait for a complete RPC HTTP request.
# after the HTTP connection is established. 

# By default, only RPC connections from localhost are allowed.  Specify
# as many rpcallowip= settings as you like to allow connections from
# other hosts (and you may use * as a wildcard character):

# Listen for RPC connections on this TCP port:

# You can use Bitcoin or bitcoind to send commands to Bitcoin/bitcoind
# running on another host using this option:

# Use Secure Sockets Layer (also known as TLS or HTTPS) to communicate
# with Bitcoin -server or bitcoind

# OpenSSL settings used when rpcssl=1

# Miscellaneous options

# Set gen=1 to attempt to generate bitcoins

# Use SSE instructions to try to generate bitcoins faster.

# Pre-generate this many public/private key pairs, so wallet backups will be valid for
# both prior transactions and several dozen future transactions.

# Pay an optional transaction fee every time you send bitcoins.  Transactions with fees
# are more likely than free transactions to be included in generated blocks, so may
# be validated sooner.

# Allow direct connections for the 'pay via IP address' feature.

# User interface options

# Start Bitcoin minimized

# Minimize to the system tray


據我所知,您正在執行應該執行的 bitcoind 客戶端。您需要明確表示您希望您的 bitcoind 作為守護程序執行。嘗試將您的 server=1 配置行更改為此(您的評論可能無意中弄亂了比特幣……但我不知道任何事實,只是一個假設)這是您修改的範例

JSON-RPC 選項(用於控制正在執行的比特幣/比特幣程序)

server=1 告訴 Bitcoin-QT 接受 JSON-RPC 命令。


此外,當有疑問時,在一個 cmd 視窗中執行 bitcoind 並打開第二個。遞歸到包含 bitcoind 的目錄(在第二個 cmd 視窗內)。然後嘗試執行一個簡單的命令(嘗試 bitcoind getblockcount),如果你得到結果,那麼你知道 bitcoind 正在工作,但它沒有作為後台服務啟動。

如果您使用的是 bitcoin-qt 客戶端,請不要編輯配置文件中的任何內容。將比特幣客戶端配置為自動啟動。

“ GUI-設置:設置 -> 選項然後標記標題為:[X] 在系統啟動時啟動比特幣”的複選框 來源:https ://

此外,如果您使用 bitcoind 而不是 bitcoin-qt 的原因是因為能夠將文本命令傳遞給比特幣:可以從幫助菜單訪問控制台(Help->Debug->console)

