我正在使用 BitcoinJ 並且想知道我應該歸功於誰,所有使用者都有自己的接收地址。如果你有時間,也請發布一個例子。:) 目前程式碼:
wallet.addEventListener(new AbstractWalletEventListener(){ @Override public void onCoinsReceived(Wallet wallet, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) { String txid = tx.getHashAsString(); long received = newBalance.value-prevBalance.value; String address; // The receive address that the payment was sent to. int UserID = MySQL.getUserIDbyAddress(address); // Here will I credit the user. } });
wallet.addEventListener(new AbstractWalletEventListener(){ @Override public void onCoinsReceived(Wallet wallet, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) { String hash = tx.getHashAsString(); long received = newBalance.value-prevBalance.value; String address = null; for (TransactionOutput txop : tx.getOutputs()){ if (txop.isMine(wallet)){ address = txop.getScriptPubKey().getToAddress(params).toString(); } } int UserID = MySQL.getUserIDbyAddress(address); // Code... } });