
C# 解析比特幣區塊鏈以獲取地址餘額

  • July 26, 2017

有沒有辦法在不使用外部 API 的情況下在 C# 中掃描比特幣區塊鏈?我正在尋找比特幣地址的可消費金額。

我正在使用 NBitcoin。

// create new key pair based on private key
NBitcoin.Key key = new NBitcoin.Key(privateKey, privateKey.Length, false);

// parse blk*.dat
// get balance for address key.PubKey.Hash
// How to do that?


var client = new QBitNinjaClient(baseAddress:"specify host here, you probably want localhost", Network.TestNet);
var balanceModel = client.GetBalance(dest: [Add any IDestination here, like new BitcoinAddress("mivD5GHroixrzgjv6Ww73pV5R55PcL8JdM", Network.TestNet)], unspentOnly: true).Result;
if (balanceModel.Operations.Count == 0) 
   throw new Exception("No coins to spend");
var unspentCoins = new List<Coin>();
foreach (var operation in balanceModel.Operations)
           unspentCoins.AddRange(operation.ReceivedCoins.Select(coin => coin as Coin)); 
var balance = unspentCoins.Sum(x => x.Amount.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC));

您始終可以使用<>對比特幣區塊鏈進行 SQL 查詢。

