

  • May 17, 2021


let testnet =Bitcoin.networks.testnet;
let keypair =Bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom({network:testnet});
let address=keypair.getAddress();
let privateKey=keypair.toWIF();
res.json("Public Address  "+ address+ "  "+privateKey)

使用bitcoinjs-libbip39。你可以安裝那些npm install bitcoinjs-lib bip39 --save

const Bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
const Bip39 = require('bip39');
const Bip32 = require('bip32');

function getAddress (node, network) {
 return Bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: node.publicKey, network }).address

const mnemonic = `entire taste skull already invest view turtle surge razor key next \
buffalo venue canoe sheriff winner wash ten subject hamster scrap unit shield garden`;

const seed = Bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic);

const root = Bip32.fromSeed(seed, Bitcoin.networks.bitcoin);

const child1 = root.derivePath("m/44'/0'/0'/0/0");
const child2 = root.deriveHardened(44).deriveHardened(0).deriveHardened(0).derive(0).derive(0);

console.log(getAddress(child1)); //1ENQm8nEP7sd6dqXbAMYZ4AuqcP8Y7AtR
console.log(getAddress(child2)); //1Hb6Z1uZ1RuZ6GXTvedQ2ETYKYsMc5qynN

您可以使用此網站檢查程式碼是否正常工作。您可能還想閱讀一些關於 BIP32、BIP39 和 BIP44 的資訊。執行摘要如下:

  • BIP32 描述瞭如何以程式方式從單個密鑰和一些其他屬性生成新的子密鑰。
  • BIP39 定義了一組用於模仿鍵的標準詞,以及如何將它們轉換回原始“種子”(來自 BIP32 的鍵)。
  • BIP44 指定您應該如何計算來自父密鑰的子密鑰。您可以從我的程式碼中看到我使用derivePath("m/44'/0'/0'/0/0");的符合其規範的程式碼。


# call this {anything}.sh
# when finished, run chmod +x *.sh
# then ./*.sh should execute the script 
# Create a ECDSA keypair for use with crypto currencies
# The key will be derived from whatever seed phrase is entered by the user
# Copyright (c) 2019 B Tasker

read -p "Enter a seed sentence: " seedphrase

# Derive a private key
privkey=$(echo "$seedphrase" | openssl sha256 | cut -d\  -f2)

# Get a proper copy of the private key
privkeyfull=$(openssl ec -inform DER -in <(cat <(echo -n "302e0201010420") <(echo -n "$privkey") <(echo -n "a00706052b8104000a") | xxd -r -p) 2>/dev/null)

# Now start creating the pub key 
longpub=$(openssl ec -inform DER -text -noout -in <(cat <(echo -n "302e0201010420") <(echo -n "$privkey") <(echo -n "a00706052b8104000a") | xxd -r -p) 2>/dev/null  | tail -6 | head -5 | sed 's/[ :]//g' | tr -d '\n' && echo)

# Create the compressed version
compub=$(echo -n "$longpub" | cut -c1-66 | sed 's/^04/02/')

# Now RipeMD it:
hash256=$(echo "$compub" | xxd -r -p | openssl sha256 | cut -d\  -f2)
ripemd=$(echo "$hash256" | xxd -r -p | openssl ripemd160 | cut -d\  -f2)

# Now RipeMD the uncompressed :
hash256=$(echo "$longpub" | xxd -r -p | openssl sha256 | cut -d\  -f2)
ripemdunc=$(echo "$hash256" | xxd -r -p | openssl ripemd160 | cut -d\  -f2)

# And a version we can pass into OpenSSL if we need to
pubkeyfull=$(openssl ec -inform DER -in <(cat <(echo -n "302e0201010420") <(echo -n "e359ae12b3c49fa0d59d0947a97acc9d8595017205909a883501ae09d4ea1888") <(echo -n "a00706052b8104000a") | xxd -r -p) -pubout 2>/dev/null)

cat << EOM
Seed Phrase: 


Private: $privkey
Long public: $longpub
Compressed Public: $compub
RipeMD (Compressed) Public: $ripemd
RipeMD (Uncompressed) Public: $ripemdunc



Keep these safe
