

  • July 19, 2019


struct Animal {
   string species;
   bytes32 ID;

mapping (bytes32 => Animal) public Animals;

mapping (bytes32 => bool) public Mammals;  
mapping (bytes32 => bool) public Birds;
mapping (bytes32 => bool) public Fish;

mapping (bytes32 => bool) public Carnivore;
mapping (bytes32 => bool) public Herbavore;
mapping (bytes32 => bool) public Omnivore;


function CarnivoreFish(bytes32 _ID) public returns (bool){

   //used to check if animal is a carnivorous fish

   if( Fish[_ID] == true &&  Carnivore[_ID] ==true ){
      return true;
       return false;


function filterAnimals(bytes32 _ID, string memory _animalClass, string memory _diet) public returns (bool){

   mapping (bytes32 => bool) memory AnimalClass;
   mapping (bytes32 => bool) memory Diet;

   //set first mapping "AnimalClass"
   if (_animalClass == "mammals") {
     AnimalClass = Mammals;  
   else if (_animalClass == "birds"){
      AnimalClass = Birds;
       AnimalClass = Fish;

   //set second mapping "Diet"
   if (_animalClass == "mammals") {
     Diet = Carnivore;  
   else if (_animalClass == "birds"){
      Diet = Herbavore;
       Diet = Omnivore;

   //check if animal has both propeties 

   if( AnimalClass[_ID] == true &&  Diet[_ID] ==true ){
      return true;
       return false;

我根據我嘗試定義映射的方式收到錯誤。有沒有辦法像我試圖做的那樣設置一個映射等於另一個映射?有沒有更明顯的方法來概括 CarnivoreFish 函式?

即使編譯器似乎允許,您也不能在函式內分配映射。這將導致儲存損壞。持久變數的儲存佈局必須是全域的。不允許在函式內使用臨時映射函式。Solc 編譯器的監督?不適當的映射聲明會覆蓋儲存

在任何情況下,您都希望重新組織儲存。如果我沒記錯的話,你的方法每隻動物需要 10 個字,而下面建議的是 1 個字(有 30 個字節備用)。我刪除了字元串,因為在最好的情況下它本身需要兩個單詞。

pragma solidity 0.5.1;

contract Animals {

   enum Branch {mammal, bird, fish, insect}
   enum Diet {carnivore, herbivore, onmivore}

   struct Animal {
       // string species; // use a bytes32 or drop entirely
       Branch branch;
       Diet diet;

   mapping(bytes32 => Animal) public animals;

   function setAnimal(bytes32 id, Branch branch, Diet diet) public {
       Animal storage a = animals[id];
       a.branch = branch; = diet;

   function animalIsBranch(bytes32 id, Branch branch) public view returns(bool isIndeed) {
       return animals[id].branch == branch;
   function animalIsDiet(bytes32 id, Diet diet) public view returns(bool isIndeed) {
       return animals[id].diet == diet;

   // now, the combinations
   function carnivoreFish(bytes32 id) public view returns(bool isIndeed) {
       return animalIsBranch(id, && animalIsDiet(id, Diet.carnivore);
   // keep going. 

上述方法是慣用的,適用於少數特徵組合。如果您想進一步概括,可以查看 Gnosis 中的集合處理。它從 a 中緊密打包的 bool 開始uint(bool 打包成完整字節)。這是一種非常簡化的方法,靈感來自他們的收藏集。


// 0b000.....00000000001 // mammal
// 00000.....00000000010 // bird
// 00000.....00000000100 // fish 
// 00000.....00000001000 // carnivore 
// 00000.....00000010000 // herbivore 
// 00000.....00000100000 // onmivore

....= 256 位可用於所有特徵。


// 0b000.....00000100001 // mammal and herbivore


 function isTrue(bytes32 id, uint profile) public view returns(bool isIndeed) {
   Animal storage a = animals[id];
   uint characteristics = a.characteristics;
   // A bitwise comparison determines what the answer means.
   // Is one of the profile bits present in characteristics bits? (OR)
   // Are all of the profile bits present in the characteristics bits? (AND)

在實踐中,您可能會有兩個這樣的函式,AND 和 OR。讓我們繼續說這個例子是為 AND 設計的。


 function or(bytes32 id, uint profile1, uint profile2) public view returns(bool isIndeed) {
   return isTrue(id, profile1) || isTrue(id, profile2);

 function and(bytes32 id, uint profile1, uint profile2) public view returns(bool isIndeed) {
   return isTrue(id,profile1) && isTrue(id, profile2);


contract AnimalsBitwise {

 struct Animal {
   uint characteristics;

 mapping(bytes32 => Animal) public animals;

 function setAnimal(bytes32 id, uint characteristics) public { 
   // opporunity to validate.
   // disallow impossible creatures, e.g. impossible fish birds

 function allTrue(bytes32 id, uint profile) public view returns(bool isIndeed) {
   Animal storage a = animals[id];
   uint characteristics = a.characteristics;
   // bitwise comparison.
   // Are ALL profile bits are present in characteristics bits?
 function anyTrue(bytes32 id, uint profile) public view returns(bool isIndeed) {
   Animal storage a = animals[id];
   uint characteristics = a.characteristics;
   // bitwise comparison.
   // Is ANY profile bit present in characteristics bits?
 function or(bytes32 id, uint profile1, uint profile2) public view returns(bool isIndeed) {
   return allTrue(id, profile1) || allTrue(id, profile2);

 function and(bytes32 id, uint profile1, uint profile2) public view returns(bool isIndeed) {
   return allTrue(id,profile1) && allTrue(id, profile2);

如果您為了完整性而建構,您可能會說任意複雜性的布爾查詢可以在合理的成本下對一組 256 個可能的特徵進行。您甚至可以編寫一個簡單的語法,傳入要執行的操作數組。

在那種情況下會有迭代(我們不喜歡迭代),所以復雜性最終會受到 gasLimit 的限制。有人會認為,只要對原語進行仔細設計以涵蓋所有情況,所需的查詢就不需要超過幾個步驟。

