
Matsui 對 5 輪 DES 的線性攻擊

  • March 9, 2022

我試圖理解 Mitsuru Matsui 的“ DES Cipher 的線性密碼分析方法”,特別是他在第 5 節末尾描述的關於 5 輪 DES 的攻擊。我跟踪了 3 輪的攻擊,這是它的數學:

遍歷 3 輪 DES 的線性攻擊

對於 5 輪 DES,我提煉了一些東西,所以只有 4 種類型的變數:

  1. 明文位(PL、PH 表示低、高)。
  2. 密文位(CL、CH)。
  3. 密鑰位( $ K_i $ ).
  4. 來自輪輸出的高位( $ r_i $ 為了 $ i $ -第輪)。

因為每個變數要麼是其中一個,要麼是其中兩個的異或。Matsui 說應該在第 1 輪和第 5 輪使用紅色方程,在第 2 輪和第 4 輪使用綠色方程。設置將是這樣的:

5 輪 DES 的草圖和松井建議的方程


  1. 如何使用這 4 個方程來求解 5 輪 DES?我用於 3 輪的方法似乎不起作用。
  2. 兩個線性近似可以連接需要什麼條件?或者,為什麼松井在 5 輪 DES 中使用兩條不同的軌跡,而不是像他在 3 輪 DES 中使用的那樣只使用綠色的(他找到的第一個),如果綠色的偏差比紅色的高?
  3. 一般來說,如何將這種攻擊擴展到 $ n $ -圓形DES?如何在算法上對任何 Feistel 密碼執行此操作?


編輯:我設法證明了 5 輪近似值,但老實說,我不明白我做了什麼,我只是遵循方程式,一些變數消失了:

5 輪 DES 的近似值

我很想了解這通常是如何工作的。在最後的松井表中,他使用了“AB-BA”之類的近似軌跡。這是什麼 - 正式的意思,為什麼 A 和 B 可以雙向連接?



使用這種表示法,明文單詞 $ PH $ 在松井的論文中變成 $ x_0 $ , 和 $ PL $ 變成 $ x_1 $ . 密文單詞 $ CH $ 變成 $ x_{n+1} $ , 和 $ CL $ 變成 $ x_n $ .

我們可以找到一個近似值 $ n $ 通過圖形搜尋進行舍入。此圖中的節點將如下所示:

$$ \bigoplus_{i=0}^{n+1} x_i[\delta_i] = \bigoplus_{i=1}^n k_i[\epsilon_i] \tag{1} $$

在哪裡 $ \delta_i $ 和 $ \epsilon_i $ 是位遮罩。

要查看邊緣是什麼,假設我們有一個像這樣的 1 輪近似值:

$$ x[\alpha] \oplus F(x, k)[\beta] = k[\gamma] \tag{2} $$

我們可以在輪次實例化它,比如說, $ i $ , 要得到:

$$ x_i[\alpha] \oplus F(x_i, k_i)[\beta] = k_i[\gamma] \tag{3} $$

現在我們可以使用 Feistel 結構,知道 $ x_{i+1} = x_{i-1} \oplus F(x_i, k_i) $ , 重寫 $ F(x_i, k_i) $ 作為 $ x_{i+1} \oplus x_{i-1} $ , 所以:

$$ x_i[\alpha] \oplus \left(x_{i+1} \oplus x_{i-1}\right)[\beta] = k_i[\gamma] \tag{4} $$

這將是我們圖中的一條邊。也就是說,對於所有線性近似,以及所有實例化輪次 $ i $ ,我們可以創建這樣的邊緣。如果邊的來源是方程 $ (1) $ ,邊緣的目標是以下等式,由下式獲得 $ \operatorname{XOR} $ 在 $ (1) $ 和 $ (4) $ :

$$ \bigoplus_{j=0}^{i-2} x_j[\delta_j] \oplus x_{i-1}[\delta_{i-1} \oplus \beta] \oplus x_i[\delta_i \oplus \alpha] \oplus x_{i+1}[\delta_{i+1} \oplus \beta] \bigoplus_{j=i+2}^{n+1} x_j[\delta_j] = k_i[\epsilon_j \oplus \gamma] \bigoplus_{j=1}^n k_j[\epsilon_j] \tag{5} $$

一個 $ n $ -round 近似是這樣一個節點 $ (1) $ , 面具在哪裡 $ \delta_2 \dots \delta_{n-1} $ 都是 $ 0 $ . 也就是說,等式只涉及明文、密文和密鑰。

我們從一個簡單的近似開始我們的圖搜尋,其中 $ \forall i, \delta_i = 0 $ , 和 $ \forall i, \gamma_i = 0 $ . 看看我們實際上會採用什麼邊緣,一些命名法:

  • 一個狀態 $ x_i $ 被稱為“隱藏”時 $ 1 < i < n $ . 也就是說,它既不是明文也不是密文。一張面具 $ \delta_i $ 在相同條件下被稱為“隱藏”。

我們只會佔優勢 $ e $ ,這將我們從一個節點 $ v: \bigoplus_{i=0}^{n+1} x_i[\delta_i] = \bigoplus_{i=1}^n k_i[\epsilon_i] $ 到一個節點 $ w: \bigoplus_{i=0}^k x_i[\delta’i] = \bigoplus{i=1}^k k_i[\epsilon’_i] $ , 當最多 2 個隱藏遮罩在 $ w $ 是非零的。



下面是複製附錄中 Matsui 的結果表的 C++ 原始碼。我已經使用 Dijkstra 的算法進行圖形搜尋,但實際上它是矯枉過正的,動態程式解決方案也可以。這是因為我們關心的唯一路徑是在它們應用一輪近似的位置增加(即,它們從空近似開始,並在輪次應用它,例如,1、2、3、5、6、8、 9、10,並達到最終狀態)。然而,Dijkstra 已經立即執行,因此無需過多考慮。

這裡唯一特定於 DES 的是一輪近似值one_round_approximations。修改它可以找到任何 Feistel 網路的線性鏈,給定圓形函式的近似值。

對於NUM_ROUNDS = 10,此程式碼輸出:

Best approximation: 
round_number: 10
state masks = [1: [7, 18, 24, 29], 10: [15], 11: [7, 18, 24, 29]]
key masks = [1: [22], 2: [44], 3: [22], 5: [22], 6: [44], 7: [22], 9: [22]]
applied approximations: [-ACD-DCA-A]

Probability: 0.500047
Log2(Bias): -14.3904


// Finds chains of linear approximations in a Feistel cipher.
// A round of a Feistel cipher can be described as:
//  x0        x1
//  |    k    |
//  |    |    |
//  v    v    |
//  + &lt;- F ---
//  |         |
//  v         v
//  x2
// Where + is bitwise xor, and F is a keyed permutation function. Algebraically,
//   x2 = x0 + F(k, x1)                                                      (1)
// The wire that carries x1 remains unmodified, and will be swapped with x2
// before the next round in the Feistel network. The whole network then looks
// like this, where ===&gt;&lt;== means we swap the two wires:
//  x0        x1
//  |    k1   |
//  |    |    |
//  v    v    |
//  + &lt;- F ---
//  |         |
//  v         v
//  x2       x1
//  |         |
//  x1===&gt;&lt;==x2
//  |         |
//  |    k2   |
//  |    |    |
//  v    v    |
//  + &lt;- F ---
//  |         |
//  v         v
//  x3       x2
//  |         |
//      ...
// A one-round approximation to F is three bitmasks, alpha, beta, gamma, such
// that
//   x[alpha] + F(x, k)[beta] = k[gamma]
// holds with some probability p. Here the notation a[m] means that we xor the
// bits in the bit string a, indicated by the mask m. So a[0b101] means
// ((a & 100) &gt;&gt; 2) ^ (a & 1).
// We note that equation (1) tells us that F(k, x1) = x2 ^ x0. In general, if we
// look at the i-th round, equation (1) tells us that
//   F(x_{i + 1}, k_{i + 1}) = x_{i + 2} + x_i                               (2)
// Thus, if we have an approximation like:
//   x[alpha] + F(x, k)[beta] = k[gamma]
// We can instantiate it at any given round, for example:
//   x1[alpha] + F(x1, k1)[beta] = k1[gamma]
// And then use equation (2) to rewrite this as:
//   x1[alpha] + (x2 + x0)[beta] = k1[gamma]
// In this way we obtain equations for the values of the wires in the Feistel
// network. In general, they are always going to be of the form:
//   x_{i + 1}[alpha] + (x_{i + 2} + x_i)[beta] = k_{i + 1}[gamma]           (3)
// Our goal is to start with a very simple equation:
//   x0[0] + x1[0] = 0
// which holds with probability 1, and applying these equations we got, reach an
// equation that involves only:
//   * x0, the high word in the plaintext.
//   * x1, the low word in the plaintext.
//   * x_{n+1}, the high word in the ciphertext.
//   * x_n, the low word in the ciphertext.
//   * Some round keys k_i.
// and we want to know the probability with which they hold. We call this sort
// of equation a linear approximation of the full cipher.
// This program considers a graph where each node is of the form:
//   (m_0, m_1, ..., m_{N+1}, km_0, km_1, ..., km_0, p)
// where N is the number of rounds, each m_i is a 32-bit bitmask, each km_i is a
// 64-bit bitmask, and p is a probability. The meaning of this node is:
//  with probability p,
//     (\sum_{i=0}^{N + 1} x_i[m_i]) + (\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} k_i[km_i]) = 0
// where x_i are the values of the wires in the Feistel network, k_i are the
// round keys, m_i are bitmasks for the x_i, and km_i are masks for the k_i.
// Starting at the node where m_i = 0 forall i, and km_j = 0 forall j, and p =
// 1, we want to reach a state that represents a linear approximation of the
// full cipher. 
// The edges of this graph are going to be using some 1-round approximation,
// instantiated at some round in the network. For instance, if we have the node
//   x_0[0b101] + x_1[0b11] = k_1[0b110]                                     (4)
// and we know the equation of the form (3):
//   x_{i+1}[0b1011] + (x_{i + 2} + x_i)[0b11] = k_{i + 1}[0b101]
// we could instantiate this at i = 1, to get
//   x_2[b1011] + (x_3 + x_1)[0b11] = k_2[0b101]                             (5)
// If we then xor this equation (5) with (4), we get
//   x_0[0b101] + x_2[0b1011] + x_3[0b11] = k_1[0b110] + k_2[0b101]
// which is another node in our graph. In this way we explore the graph until we
// reach a linear approximation of the full cipher.
#include &lt;array&gt;
#include &lt;cstdint&gt;
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;set&gt;
#include &lt;unordered_map&gt;
#include &lt;cassert&gt;
#include &lt;vector&gt;
#include &lt;cmath&gt;
#include &lt;optional&gt;

constexpr size_t NUM_ROUNDS = 10;

// Shows a 64-bit bitmask, showing only the bit indices that are "on".
std::ostream& show_mask(std::ostream& o, uint64_t m) {
 int i = 0;
 bool first = true;
 o &lt;&lt; "[";
 while (m) {
   if (m & 1) { 
     if (!first) {
       o &lt;&lt; ", ";
     } else {
       first = false;
     o &lt;&lt; i;
   m &gt;&gt;= 1; 
 o &lt;&lt; "]";
 return o;

// The meaning of this approximation is that with probability p = probability(), 
//   x[alpha] + F(x, k)[beta] = k[gamma]
// For any 32-bit string x, and 48-bit string k.
// The bias is defined as |probability() - 0.5|.
struct OneRoundApproximation {
 const char* name;
 uint32_t alpha;
 uint32_t beta;
 uint64_t gamma;  // Only need 48 bits.
 double log2_bias; // log_2(bias)
 double probability() const {
   double x = std::pow(2.0, log2_bias) + 0.5;
   return std::max(x, 1.0 - x);
 friend auto operator&lt;=&gt;(const OneRoundApproximation&,
                         const OneRoundApproximation&) = default;
 friend std::ostream& operator&lt;&lt;(std::ostream& o,
                                 const OneRoundApproximation& ra) {
   o &lt;&lt;;
   return o;

// This is an approximation that relates some plaintext bits, some ciphertext
// bits, some key bits, and possibly some hidden state bits, in a linear way,
// using fixed bit masks.
// The first 2 states are the 2 plaintext words, the last 2 states are the 2
// ciphertext words, and every other state is a hidden state - it is the value
// of a wire in the Feistel network.
struct Approximation {
 std::array&lt;uint32_t, NUM_ROUNDS + 2&gt; state_mask;
 std::array&lt;uint64_t, NUM_ROUNDS&gt; round_key_mask;
 std::array&lt;std::optional&lt;OneRoundApproximation&gt;, NUM_ROUNDS&gt;
 int round_number;
 friend auto operator&lt;=&gt;(const Approximation&, const Approximation&) = default;
 friend std::ostream& operator&lt;&lt;(std::ostream& o, const Approximation& a) {
   o &lt;&lt; "round_number: " &lt;&lt; a.round_number &lt;&lt; std::endl;
   o &lt;&lt; "state masks = [";
   int cnt = 0;
   for (size_t i = 0; i &lt; NUM_ROUNDS + 2; ++i) {
     if (!a.state_mask[i]) continue;
     if (cnt++ &gt; 0) o &lt;&lt; ", ";
     o &lt;&lt; i &lt;&lt; ": ";
     show_mask(o, a.state_mask[i]);
   o &lt;&lt; "]" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
   cnt = 0;
   o &lt;&lt; "key masks = [";
   for (size_t i = 0; i &lt; NUM_ROUNDS; ++i) {
     if (!a.round_key_mask[i]) continue;
     if (cnt++ &gt; 0) o &lt;&lt; ", ";
     o &lt;&lt; i &lt;&lt; ": ";
     show_mask(o, a.round_key_mask[i]);
   o &lt;&lt; "]" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
   o &lt;&lt; "applied approximations: [";
   for (size_t i = 0; i &lt; NUM_ROUNDS; ++i) {
     auto ma = a.applied_approximations[i];
     if (ma == std::nullopt) {
       o &lt;&lt; "-";
     } else {
       o &lt;&lt; *ma;
   o &lt;&lt; "]" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
   return o;

// This is an approximation that holds with a given probability.
struct WeightedApproximation {
 Approximation a;
 double log2_bias;
 double probability() const {
   double x = std::pow(2.0, log2_bias) + 0.5;
   return std::max(x, 1.0 - x);

std::array&lt;OneRoundApproximation, 5&gt; one_round_approximations = {{
 {"A", 0x8000, 0x21040080, 0x400000, std::log2(std::abs(12.0/64.0 - 0.5))},
 {"B", 0xd8000000, 0x8000, 0x6c0000000000ULL, std::log2(std::abs(22.0/64.0 - 0.5))},
 {"C", 0x20000000, 0x8000, 0x100000000000ULL, std::log2(std::abs(30.0/64.0 - 0.5))},
 {"D", 0x8000, 0x1040080, 0x400000, std::log2(std::abs(42.0/64.0 - 0.5))},
 {"E", 0x11000, 0x1040080, 0x880000, std::log2(std::abs(16.0/64.0 - 0.5))}

// Given an existing approximation, what happens if we xor a one-round
// approximation onto it? Specifically, that one-round approximation will be
// instantiated at round `position`.
Approximation apply_one_round_approximation(const Approximation& a,
                                           const OneRoundApproximation& o,
                                           size_t position) {
 Approximation b = a;
 b.round_number = position + 1;
 b.state_mask[position] ^= o.beta;
 b.state_mask[position + 1] ^= o.alpha;
 b.state_mask[position + 2] ^= o.beta;
 b.round_key_mask[position] ^= o.gamma;
 b.applied_approximations[position] = o;

 return b;

// Returns how many hidden states have a nonzero mask in the given
// approximation.
size_t HiddenSize(Approximation& b) {
 size_t result = 0;
 for (size_t i = 2; i &lt; NUM_ROUNDS; ++i) {
   result += b.state_mask[i] != 0;
 return result;

std::vector&lt;WeightedApproximation&gt; Transitions(
   const WeightedApproximation& a, const OneRoundApproximation& o) {
 // For a given approximation of the first j rounds of the cipher, we can apply
 // the round approximation either at the current state in the Feistel network,
 // or the next one. That is, a one-round approximation of the form:
 //   alpha * x_{i + 1} + beta * (x_{i+2} + x_i) = gamma * k_i
 // Can be xorred onto the current state, which is of the form:
 //   \sum_{k=0}^N state_mask_k * x_k + \sum_{k=0}^N key_mask * key_i = 0
 // Where the sum is the xor of every bit in the argument.
 // This will make some state_masks zero, and some nonzero. We only want to
 // take the transition when the number of nonzero masks for hidden states is
 // at most 2, because this is all that's needed to make progress in the
 // Feistel networks we've seen (DES). A state is hidden when it's neither x_1,
 // x_2, x_{N-1}, or x_N. That is, when it's neither one of the two plaintext
 // words, nor one of the two ciphertext words.

 // This can be made faster and more space efficient, but I don't particularly
 // care for now.
 // We search for a round where to instantiate the one-round approximation.
 std::vector&lt;WeightedApproximation&gt; result;
 for (size_t i = a.a.round_number; i &lt; NUM_ROUNDS; ++i) {
   Approximation b = apply_one_round_approximation(a.a, o, i);
   if (HiddenSize(b) &gt; 2) continue;
       {.a = std::move(b),
        .log2_bias = 1 + a.log2_bias + o.log2_bias});

 return result;

std::ostream& operator&lt;&lt;(std::ostream& o, const WeightedApproximation& wa) {
 o &lt;&lt; wa.a &lt;&lt; std::endl;
 o &lt;&lt; "Probability: " &lt;&lt; wa.probability() &lt;&lt; std::endl;
 o &lt;&lt; "Log2(Bias): " &lt;&lt; wa.log2_bias &lt;&lt; std::endl;
 return o;

// Just a standard hash function to be able to put Approximations in a hash
// table.
template &lt;class T&gt;
inline void hash_combine(std::size_t& seed, const T& v) {
 std::hash&lt;T&gt; hasher;
 seed ^= hasher(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed &lt;&lt; 6) + (seed &gt;&gt; 2);

size_t HashApproximation(const Approximation& a) {
 size_t h = 0;
 for (size_t i = 0; i &lt; NUM_ROUNDS + 2; ++i) {
   hash_combine(h, a.state_mask[i]);
 hash_combine(h, a.round_number);
 return h;

int main() {
 // We'll use Dijkstra's algorithm to explore this graph. The weight of an edge
 // is the log2 of the bias of the one-round approximation it represents.
 auto compare_by_probability = [](const WeightedApproximation& a,
                                  const WeightedApproximation& b) {
   if (a.log2_bias &gt; b.log2_bias) return true;
   if (a.a.round_key_mask &lt; b.a.round_key_mask) return true;
   return HashApproximation(a.a) &lt; HashApproximation(b.a);

 // This is the queue of nodes we still have to visit.
 std::set&lt;WeightedApproximation, decltype(compare_by_probability)&gt; queue;
 // This tells us which nodes have already been visited. Note in queue we store
 // the nodes with a weight, whereas this hash stores just the approximation
 // itself, without a probability. This is to be able to modify the estimated
 // weights of each approximation as we traverse the graph, as per Dijkstra's
 // algorithm.
 std::unordered_map&lt;Approximation, decltype(queue.begin()),
     seen(1, &HashApproximation);

 // Our initial approximation has no masks, and holds with probability 1, and
 // so its bias is 1 - 0.5 = 0.5..
 WeightedApproximation wa = {.a = Approximation{},
                             .log2_bias = std::log2(0.5)};
 auto it = queue.insert(wa).first;
 seen.emplace(wa.a, it);

 // We keep track of the best approximation we've seen so far. The only
 // approximations we'll care about are the ones that relate plaintexts,
 // ciphertexts, and key bits. For this, they must have a round number of
 // NUM_ROUNDS. This means `wa` is actually not a valid best approximation to
 // the full cipher, and will be overwritten the first time we find any valid
 // approximation.
 WeightedApproximation best_approximation = wa;

 while (!queue.empty()) {
   WeightedApproximation v = queue.extract(queue.begin()).value();
   // We signal it's been popped off the queue.
   seen[v.a] = queue.end();
   // If this is an approximation to the full cipher (i.e. all NUM_ROUNDS of
   // it), and does not involve any hidden states (i.e. only plaintexts,
   // ciphertexts, and key bits), then it's a good candidate for the best
   // linear approximation for the whole cipher. We'll keep the most likely
   // one, that is the one with the highest bias.
   if (v.a.round_number == NUM_ROUNDS && HiddenSize(v.a) == 0) {
     if (best_approximation.a.round_number == 0 ||
         best_approximation.log2_bias &lt; v.log2_bias) {
       best_approximation = v;

   // We now traverse all edges outgoing from approximation`v`, by listing all
   // possible one-round approximations we could apply at this approximation.
   for (const auto& o : one_round_approximations) {
     for (WeightedApproximation w : Transitions(v, o)) {
       auto it = seen.find(w.a);
       if (it == seen.end()) {
         // If we've never seen this approximation before, add it to the queue,
         // and mark it as seen. This must be a new element in the queue, and
         // we assert so.
         auto [jt, inserted] = queue.insert(std::move(w));
         seen.emplace(jt-&gt;a, std::move(jt));
       } else {
         // We've seen it before. If we've already popped it out of the queue,
         // no need to do anything, we already found the shortest weight path
         // to it, by the invariant of Dijkstra's algorithm..
         if (it-&gt;second == queue.end()) continue;
         // Relax the edge if possible.
         if (it-&gt;second-&gt;log2_bias &lt; w.log2_bias) {
           auto jt = queue.insert(w).first;
           it-&gt;second = jt;
 std::cout &lt;&lt; "Best approximation: " &lt;&lt; std::endl
           &lt;&lt; best_approximation &lt;&lt; std::endl;
