DApp 如何使用 web3.js 或其他庫檢測分叉或鏈重組?
以投票 DApp 為例。使用者點擊投票按鈕,然後在幕後在區塊鏈上探勘交易,最後 DApp 告訴使用者他們的投票已被記錄。
DApp 如何使用 web3.js 來檢測這一點,以便它可以檢查使用者的交易是否已被撤消以及使用者是否需要再次送出投票?web3.js 是否會觸發事件來通知 DApp?是否有任何程式碼片段,例如要監聽什麼事件以及如何監聽?或者有沒有使用範例的庫?
根據問題,它只使用 web3.js 呼叫,沒有庫。我必須告訴你使用回調而不是承諾對我來說非常痛苦;-P
我還沒有實現驗證多個 RPC 節點的事務,但是在程式碼中有一個關於在哪裡做的註釋。您可能至少希望使用 Async.join 來執行此操作,這將是一個外部庫。
// // @method awaitBlockConsensus // @param web3s[0] is the node you submitted the transaction to, the other web3s // are for cross verification, because you shouldn't trust one node. // @param txhash is the transaction hash from when you submitted the transaction // @param blockCount is the number of blocks to wait for. // @param timout in seconds // @param callback - callback(error, transaction_receipt) // exports.awaitBlockConsensus = function(web3s, txhash, blockCount, timeout, callback) { var txWeb3 = web3s[0]; var startBlock = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; var interval; var stateEnum = { start: 1, mined: 2, awaited: 3, confirmed: 4, unconfirmed: 5 }; var savedTxInfo; var attempts = 0; var pollState = stateEnum.start; var poll = function() { if (pollState === stateEnum.start) { txWeb3.eth.getTransaction(txhash, function(e, txInfo) { if (e || txInfo == null) { return; // XXX silently drop errors } if (txInfo.blockHash != null) { startBlock = txInfo.blockNumber; savedTxInfo = txInfo; console.log("mined"); pollState = stateEnum.mined; } }); } else if (pollState == stateEnum.mined) { txWeb3.eth.getBlockNumber(function (e, blockNum) { if (e) { return; // XXX silently drop errors } console.log("blockNum: ", blockNum); if (blockNum >= (blockCount + startBlock)) { pollState = stateEnum.awaited; } }); } else if (pollState == stateEnum.awaited) { txWeb3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txhash, function(e, receipt) { if (e || receipt == null) { return; // XXX silently drop errors. TBD callback error? } // confirm we didn't run out of gas // XXX this is where we should be checking a plurality of nodes. TBD clearInterval(interval); if (receipt.gasUsed >= savedTxInfo.gas) { pollState = stateEnum.unconfirmed; callback(new Error("we ran out of gas, not confirmed!"), null); } else { pollState = stateEnum.confirmed; callback(null, receipt); } }); } else { throw(new Error("We should never get here, illegal state: " + pollState)); } // note assuming poll interval is 1 second attempts++; if (attempts > timeout) { clearInterval(interval); pollState = stateEnum.unconfirmed; callback(new Error("Timed out, not confirmed"), null); } }; interval = setInterval(poll, 1000); poll(); };
$$ EDIT 1 $$- 出氣大於等於,不大於…