

  • September 17, 2019

有沒有辦法隱藏簡訊 $ A $ inside another text $ B $ using a cryptographic cipher/algorithm, while preserving the sense/meaning of $ B $ and without anybody being able to notice there is a message $ A $ hidden in text $ B $ ?

I am looking for something that can be processed either manually or by a computer.

For clarification: I don’t mean to hide a message like “Attack X” saying “I went to X on holiday this summer” but an actual cipher/algorithm.

I know for sure there must be something, but being new to cryptographic and not knowing much about it, I don’t know where to look or what to look for. Is there a way to achieve this? If there is, could you (besides a reference) also provide a short example?

我有一個非常簡單的隱寫術程式碼,既不會修改原始文本的任何單詞,也不會對您在文本中使用的單詞施加任何限制;它只是稍微改變了各個線路的結束位置,並且應該幾乎不會被監獄長檢測到。然而,它的效率相當低,每條線只能傳輸 1 個隱秘位。(不幸的是,由於沒有免費午餐的原則。)程式碼可在 s13.zetaboards.com/Crypto/topic/6939954/1/ 獲得

$$ Addendum $$為了獲得更好的效率,可以使用我最近的一種語言隱寫方案:s13.zetaboards.com/Crypto/topic/9024439/1/

我想你可以嵌入消息 $ A $ 進入消息 $ B $ 用簡單的 $ LSB $ ,但你會有消息 $ B’ $ 並且可能改變意思。如果你想要消息 $ B’ $ 為了保留原意,你應該設計 $ B $ 要做到這一點。
