0x 協議 ERC721Order - 嘗試執行任何交易以填寫或檢查已簽署訂單的狀態失敗
我正在嘗試與使用來自**@0x/protocol-utils的****ERC721Order**創建的簽名訂單進行互動。使用以下文件創建和簽署訂單:https ://docs.0x.org/nft-support/guides/signing-orders#signing-with-ethers
const order = new ERC721Order({ chainId: 4, // rinkeby verifyingContract: '0xdef1c0ded9bec7f1a1670819833240f027b25eff', // https://github.com/0xProject/protocol/blob/development/packages/contract-addresses/addresses.json direction: NFTOrder.TradeDirection.SellNFT, erc20Token: ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS, // This address means eth, which we want. erc20TokenAmount: new BigNumber(optionMinPriceWei), // token amount in wei (i.e. the buy it now price) erc721Token: '0x0', // The actual erc721 contract address erc721TokenId: new BigNumber('17'), // token id maker, // address of user selling the erc721 token taker: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', // Who can fill this order. May be NULL (0x000...) to allow anyone. nonce: new BigNumber(getRandomInt(10, 5000)), // random number 10-5000. TODO later https://docs.0x.org/nft-support/guides/creating-orders#choosing-a-nonce expiry: new BigNumber(Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000 + 86400)), // 1 day from now fees: [], erc721TokenProperties: [], });
1)在 GitHub ( https://github.com/0xProject/0x-starter-project/blob/master/src/scenarios/fill_erc20_rfq_order_with_maker_order_signer.ts ) 中使用@0x/contract-wrappers庫,但得到“執行恢復" 來自與合約的不同互動的消息,例如:getERC721OrderStatus、validateERC721OrderProperties和buyERC721(甚至沒有讓 MetaMask 彈出以供以後使用)。
const { signature: rawSignature, erc721TokenID, erc20TokenAmount, expiry, nonce } = sellOrder; // stored in db const contractWrappers = new ContractWrappers(provider, { chainId: CHAIN_ID }); const order = { taker: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', // Tried using the taker address direction: NFTOrder.TradeDirection.SellNFT, // Tried changing this maker: sellOrder.maker, erc20Token: sellOrder.erc20Token, erc721Token: sellOrder.erc721Token, nonce: new BigNumber(nonce), // Tried using string expiry: new BigNumber(expiry), // Tried using string erc721TokenId: new BigNumber(erc721TokenID), // Tried using string erc20TokenAmount: new BigNumber(erc20TokenAmount), // Tried using string fees: sellOrder.fees, erc721TokenProperties: [], // ?? }; const { v, r, s } = ethers.utils.splitSignature(rawSignature); const signature: Signature = { signatureType: SignatureType.EIP712, v, r, s, }; const orderStatus = await contractWrappers.exchangeProxy .getERC721OrderStatus(order) .callAsync() .catch((error) => { console.error('getERC721OrderStatus', error); // catch to continue }); console.log(orderStatus); const isValidOrder = await contractWrappers.exchangeProxy .validateERC721OrderProperties(order, new BigNumber(erc721TokenID)) .callAsync() .catch((error) => { console.error('validateERC721OrderProperties', error); // catch to continue }); console.log(isValidOrder); await contractWrappers.exchangeProxy .buyERC721(order, signature, '0x') // Also tried estimating gas .awaitTransactionSuccessAsync({ from: taker, value: order.erc20TokenAmount, // from https://github.com/0xProject/0x-starter-project/blob/master/src/configs.ts gasPrice: 20e9, gas: 800000, });
2)使用 abi ( https://github.com/0xProject/protocol/blob/c1177416f50c2465ee030dacc14ff996eebd4e74/packages/contract-artifacts/artifacts/IZeroEx.json ) 和合約地址(“0xdef1c0ded9bec7f1a16708198eff33240 ) 創建合約實例”) 我正在成功地與 ERC721 等其他契約一起做。對於這一點,buyERC721 方法的執行確實打開了我的 MetaMask 以簽名並發送 tx,但它失敗並顯示以下內容:錯誤:交易失敗$$ See: https://links.ethers.org/v5-errors-CALL_EXCEPTION $$. 視圖函式出現相同的錯誤:getERC721OrderStatus和validateERC721OrderProperties。
const { signature: rawSignature, erc721TokenID, erc20TokenAmount, expiry, nonce } = sellOrder; const order: any = { taker: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', direction: NFTOrder.TradeDirection.SellNFT, maker: sellOrder.maker, erc20Token: sellOrder.erc20Token, erc721Token: sellOrder.erc721Token, nonce: String(nonce) as any, expiry: String(expiry) as any, erc721TokenId: String(erc721TokenID) as any, erc20TokenAmount: String(erc20TokenAmount) as any, fees: sellOrder.fees, erc721TokenProperties: [], // ?? }; const { v, r, s } = ethers.utils.splitSignature(rawSignature); const signature: Signature = { signatureType: SignatureType.EIP712, v, r, s, }; await getERC721OrderStatus(order).catch((error: any) => { console.error('getERC721OrderStatus', error); }); await validateERC721OrderProperties(order, order.erc721TokenId).catch((error: any) => { console.error('validateERC721OrderProperties', error); }); const overrides: PayableOverrides = { value: order.erc20TokenAmount as any, gasLimit: '800000', }; // genTransactionFn - returns a wrapper fn that calls the callback (buyERC721) with any args sent // and waits for it to have at least 1 confirmation // this helper is being used for other contract interactions (not 0x) successfully. const buyERC721Fn = genTransactionFn(buyERC721); const response = await buyERC721Fn(order, signature, '0x', overrides); return response;
0x v4 未部署在 Rinkeby 上;目前唯一部署它的測試網是 Ropsten。您可以在此備忘單中看到部署了 0x v4 的鏈列表。