
如何擺脫 Geth 中的非活動節點

  • June 20, 2019

我正在使用使用 Geth 的 Quorum-maker 建立一個仲裁網路。它目前正在執行,具有三個活動節點。但是,早些時候我曾嘗試創建另外兩個節點,但失敗了。從那以後我就把他們殺了。

現在,主節點仍在嘗試每秒多次連接它們。這會創建大量日誌。這些日誌位於 gethLogs 目錄中,這就是為什麼我認為這是一個 geth 問題而不是特定於 quorum 的問題。

INFO [06-20|04:45:34.146] peer is currently unreachable peer id=4
2019-06-20 04:45:34.146757 I | rafthttp: peer 5 became active
2019-06-20 04:45:34.170051 E | rafthttp: failed to find member 1 in cluster 1000
2019-06-20 04:45:34.170210 E | rafthttp: failed to dial 5 on stream MsgApp v2 (peer 5 failed to find local node 1)
2019-06-20 04:45:34.170227 I | rafthttp: peer 5 became inactive
2019-06-20 04:45:34.170770 E | rafthttp: failed to find member 1 in cluster 1000
INFO [06-20|04:45:34.246] peer is currently unreachable            peer id=4
2019-06-20 04:45:34.246934 I | rafthttp: peer 5 became active
2019-06-20 04:45:34.270846 E | rafthttp: failed to find member 1 in cluster 1000
2019-06-20 04:45:34.271017 E | rafthttp: failed to dial 5 on stream MsgApp v2 (peer 5 failed to find local node 1)
2019-06-20 04:45:34.271034 I | rafthttp: peer 5 became inactive
2019-06-20 04:45:34.271437 E | rafthttp: failed to find member 1 in cluster 1000
INFO [06-20|04:45:34.346] peer is currently unreachable            peer id=4
2019-06-20 04:45:34.347058 I | rafthttp: peer 5 became active
2019-06-20 04:45:34.371589 E | rafthttp: failed to find member 1 in cluster 1000
2019-06-20 04:45:34.371746 E | rafthttp: failed to dial 5 on stream MsgApp v2 (peer 5 failed to find local node 1)
2019-06-20 04:45:34.371763 I | rafthttp: peer 5 became inactive
2019-06-20 04:45:34.372624 E | rafthttp: failed to find member 1 in cluster 1000
INFO [06-20|04:45:34.446] peer is currently unreachable            peer id=4
2019-06-20 04:45:34.447434 I | rafthttp: peer 5 became active
2019-06-20 04:45:34.472487 E | rafthttp: failed to find member 1 in cluster 1000
2019-06-20 04:45:34.472664 E | rafthttp: failed to dial 5 on stream MsgApp v2 (peer 5 failed to find local node 1)
2019-06-20 04:45:34.472680 I | rafthttp: peer 5 became inactive
2019-06-20 04:45:34.473471 E | rafthttp: failed to find member 1 in cluster 1000

消息本身非常有意義,這兩個節點(4 和 5)不再存在,因此 geth 無法連接是有道理的。我正在尋找的是一種讓 Geth 停止嘗試連接到這些節點的方法。理想情況下,我想完全從主節點中刪除它們。至少我希望 geth 停止記錄它。

您需要從 Raft 中刪除陳舊的節點。

可以在Quorum 文件中找到有關如何執行此操作的說明。
