
Windows 上的 Mist 0.5.1 同步問題

  • April 9, 2016

我在 Windows 10 上執行 Mist。從昨天開始,我一直在嘗試下載區塊鏈,但過程太慢且太麻煩。我關閉了防火牆並設置了時鐘並啟動了客戶端。雖然,當我啟動客戶端時,我達到了 10-20 個對等點,但這個數字下降了,而且大部分時間在 0-4 之間。我重新設置了時鐘,但這並沒有改善。因此,我重新啟動客戶端。此刻還剩下 378093 個街區。最初它更快,現在似乎很慢(< 25-100 塊/分鐘)。Geth 沒有特別的錯誤,只有當 peer 數量下降到 0 時,才會出現同步錯誤。任何的想法?


然後使用命令行打開geth並輸入geth --fast 一旦同步變慢(一次1個塊),啟動錢包

您將在乙太坊錢包安裝目錄下geth.exe的子目錄中找到一個執行檔。.\resources\node\geth\這是乙太坊錢包 0.5.2 的 Windows 下載包的內容,顯示了geth.exe執行檔:

user@Kumquat:~/Downloads$ unzip -tv Ethereum-Wallet-win64-0-5-2.zip 
Archive:  Ethereum-Wallet-win64-0-5-2.zip
   testing: Ethereum-Wallet-win64-0-5-2/   OK
   testing: Ethereum-Wallet-win64-0-5-2/AUTHORS   OK
   testing: Ethereum-Wallet-win64-0-5-2/resources/node/geth/geth.exe   OK



.\resources\node\geth\geth --fast console

您應該會看到類似以下消息(我在 Linux 中執行):

I0408 17:21:39.549439   29822 flags.go:425] WARNING: No etherbase set and no accounts found as default
I0408 17:21:39.549604   29822 database.go:71] Alloted 16MB cache to /home/user/EthereumWallet/tmp/chaindata
I0408 17:21:39.719778   29822 database.go:71] Alloted 16MB cache to /home/user/EthereumWallet/tmp/dapp
I0408 17:21:39.721252   29822 backend.go:314] Protocol Versions: [63 62 61], Network Id: 1
I0408 17:21:39.721397   29822 backend.go:362] Blockchain DB Version: 3
I0408 17:21:39.721823   29822 blockchain.go:214] Last header: #0 [d4e56740…] TD=17179869184
I0408 17:21:39.721875   29822 blockchain.go:215] Last block: #0 [d4e56740…] TD=17179869184
I0408 17:21:39.721917   29822 blockchain.go:216] Fast block: #0 [d4e56740…] TD=17179869184
I0408 17:21:39.727628   29822 cmd.go:114] Starting Geth/v1.3.5-34b622a2/linux/go1.6
I0408 17:21:39.727768   29822 server.go:311] Starting Server
I0408 17:21:41.677719   29822 udp.go:212] Listening, enode://2b3f690e2c7c398d5782a5a33d47da9965cf08497299d3b232014fc89b0a8cbdc66d789110f0cb5a047d24aa4e1f9987ebdbcf88108aec035629d3af8b5faba4@[::]:30303
I0408 17:21:41.677903   29822 backend.go:526] Server started
I0408 17:21:41.678055   29822 server.go:552] Listening on [::]:30303
I0408 17:21:41.678340   29822 ipc.go:112] IPC service started (/home/user/EthereumWallet/tmp/geth.ipc)
instance: Geth/v1.3.5-34b622a2/linux/go1.6
datadir: /home/user/.ethereum/
coinbase: null
at block: 0 (Thu, 01 Jan 1970 10:00:00 AEST)
modules: admin:1.0 db:1.0 debug:1.0 eth:1.0 miner:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 shh:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0
> I0408 17:22:01.678243   29822 downloader.go:288] Block synchronisation started
I0408 17:22:06.973046   29822 blockchain.go:889] imported 192 header(s) (0 ignored) in 1.274319263s. #192 [88e96d45… / 723899e8…]
I0408 17:22:06.982296   29822 blockchain.go:1044] imported 2 receipt(s) (0 ignored) in 711.895µs. #2 [88e96d45… / b495a1d7…]
I0408 17:22:09.990297   29822 downloader.go:1102] Rolled back 192 headers (LH: 192-&gt;0, FB: 2-&gt;0, LB: 0-&gt;0)
I0408 17:22:11.778867   29822 blockchain.go:1044] imported 190 receipt(s) (0 ignored) in 36.573252ms. #192 [3d612266… / 723899e8…]

上面的最後五行消息表明,geth 已成功連接到乙太坊網路上的其他對等點,並且正在下載區塊鏈數據。
