
為什麼 web3.db.putString 會拋出錯誤?

  • January 7, 2019

每當我web3.db.putString("user","name","jon_lobo")從 Geth 控制台嘗試命令時,它都會拋出錯誤

錯誤:方法 db_putString 不存在/在 web3.js:3119:20 at web3.js:6023:15 at web3.js:4995:36 at:1:1 處不可用

看來web3.db在geth 1.4中已經被刪除了,我個人之前也遇到過同樣的問題

> web3.db
 getHex: function(),
 getString: function(),
 putHex: function(),
 putString: function()
> web3.db.putString('testDB', 'key', 'myString')
Error: The method db_putString does not exist/is not available
   at web3.js:3104:20
   at web3.js:6191:15
   at web3.js:5004:36
   at <anonymous>:1:1

> web3.db.putHex('testDB', 'key', web3.fromAscii('myString'))
Error: The method db_putHex does not exist/is not available
   at web3.js:3104:20
   at web3.js:6191:15
   at web3.js:5004:36
   at <anonymous>:1:1

> web3.db.getString('testDB', 'key')
Error: The method db_getString does not exist/is not available
   at web3.js:3104:20
   at web3.js:6191:15
   at web3.js:5004:36
   at <anonymous>:1:1

> web3.db.getHex('testDB', 'key')
Error: The method db_getHex does not exist/is not available
   at web3.js:3104:20
   at web3.js:6191:15
   at web3.js:5004:36
   at <anonymous>:1:1

> web3.version
 api: "0.18.1",
 ethereum: "0x3f",
 network: "65535",
 node: "Geth/v1.6.1-stable-021c3c28/linux-amd64/go1.8.1",
 whisper: undefined,
 getEthereum: function(callback),
 getNetwork: function(callback),
 getNode: function(callback),
 getWhisper: function(callback)

我找到了這個答案:刪除 web3.db

