// deploy/00_deploy_my_contract.js module.exports = async ({getNamedAccounts, deployments}) => { const {deploy} = deployments; const {deployer} = await getNamedAccounts(); await deploy('MyContract', { from: deployer, args: ['Hello'], log: true, }); }; module.exports.tags = ['MyContract'];
是否有一個標準的安全帽部署系統可以用動態的東西替換靜態的“Hello”?例如 getNamedAccounts 之類的東西,但不是專門針對帳戶的。或者這只是您使用標準 Javascript 工具將值輸入程式碼的那種事情?
或者這只是您使用標準 Javascript 工具將值輸入程式碼的那種事情?
是的,正是這個。這是JS。如果您需要程式/動態值而不是靜態值,請編寫 JS,例如:
args: [Math.random()+""],
如果您出於某種原因不想在 JS 中編寫它,則將其作為字元串並使用您選擇的工具動態輸出 JS。
export interface DeployOptions = { from: string; // address (or private key) that will perform the transaction. you can use `getNamedAccounts` to retrived the address you want by name. contract?: // this is an optional field. If not specified it defaults to the contract with the same name as the first parameter | string // this field can be either a string for the name of the contract | { // or abi and bytecode abi: ABI; bytecode: string; deployedBytecode?: string; }; args?: any[]; // the list of argument for the constructor (or the upgrade function in case of proxy) skipIfAlreadyDeployed?: boolean; // if set it to true, will not attempt to deploy even if the contract deployed under the same name is different log?: boolean; // if true, it will log the result of the deployment (tx hash, address and gas used) linkedData?: any; // This allow to associate any JSON data to the deployment. Useful for merkle tree data for example libraries?: { [libraryName: string]: Address }; // This let you associate libraries to the deployed contract proxy?: boolean | string | ProxyOptions; // This options allow to consider your contract as a proxy (see below for more details) // here some common tx options : gasLimit?: string | number | BigNumber; gasPrice?: string | BigNumber; value?: string | BigNumber; nonce?: string | number | BigNumber; estimatedGasLimit?: string | number | BigNumber; // to speed up the estimation, it is possible to provide an upper gasLimit estimateGasExtra?: string | number | BigNumber; // this option allow you to add a gas buffer on top of the estimation autoMine?: boolean; // this force a evm_mine to be executed. this is useful to speed deployment on test network that allow to specify a block delay (ganache for example). This option basically skip the delay by force mining. deterministicDeployment? boolean | string; // if true, it will deploy the contract at a deterministic address based on bytecode and constuctor arguments. The address will be the same across all network. It use create2 opcode for that, if it is a string, the string will be used as the salt. };