solidity 文件中的 hardhat console.log 不輸出任何內容
遵循安全帽文件:https ://hardhat.org/tutorial/debugging-with-hardhat-network.html
const { expect } = require("chai"); describe("Token contract", function () { it("Deployment should assign the total supply of tokens to the owner", async function () { const [owner] = await ethers.getSigners(); const Token = await ethers.getContractFactory("Token"); const hardhatToken = await Token.deploy(); const ownerBalance = await hardhatToken.balanceOf(owner.address); expect(await hardhatToken.totalSupply()).to.equal(ownerBalance); console.log("Inside Token.js"); }); });
// Solidity files have to start with this pragma. // It will be used by the Solidity compiler to validate its version. pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "hardhat/console.sol"; // This is the main building block for smart contracts. contract Token { // Some string type variables to identify the token. // The `public` modifier makes a variable readable from outside the contract. string public name = "My Hardhat Token"; string public symbol = "MHT"; // The fixed amount of tokens stored in an unsigned integer type variable. uint256 public totalSupply = 1000000; // An address type variable is used to store ethereum accounts. address public owner; // A mapping is a key/value map. Here we store each account balance. mapping(address => uint256) balances; /** * Contract initialization. * * The `constructor` is executed only once when the contract is created. */ constructor() { // The totalSupply is assigned to transaction sender, which is the account // that is deploying the contract. balances[msg.sender] = totalSupply; owner = msg.sender; } /** * A function to transfer tokens. * * The `external` modifier makes a function *only* callable from outside * the contract. */ function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external { console.log("Sender balance is %s tokens", balances[msg.sender]); console.log("Trying to send %s tokens to %s", amount, to); // Check if the transaction sender has enough tokens. // If `require`'s first argument evaluates to `false` then the // transaction will revert. require(balances[msg.sender] >= amount, "Not enough tokens"); // Transfer the amount. balances[msg.sender] -= amount; balances[to] += amount; } /** * Read only function to retrieve the token balance of a given account. * * The `view` modifier indicates that it doesn't modify the contract's * state, which allows us to call it without executing a transaction. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256) { return balances[account]; } }
npx 安全帽測試
Compilation finished successfully Token contract Inside Token.js ✓ Deployment should assign the total supply of tokens to the owner (734ms) 1 passing (737ms)
由於合約程式碼在鏈上執行,你會從鏈輸出中看到 console.log,而不是在你的 javascript 控制台輸出中。