

  • May 16, 2017


  • 一個關鍵的時間表
  • 一個置換函式(將一個鍵作為輸入,可能是一個“調整”和一個數據輸入)

這使得所有分組密碼都易於在任何操作模式下使用,並且可以輕鬆地“交換”各種算法以支持其他算法,而無需重寫大量程式碼 - 只有上述組件在算法之間有所不同。

我無法使用散列函式觀察相同級別的抽象。它們由它們的壓縮函式(直截了當)來描述,但似乎也有一個內置的操作模式,雖然經常在各種散列函式之間共享,但並不意味著要改變,例如,沒有人將 MD5 壓縮函式與 Davies 一起使用-Meyer 結構,它總是與 Merkle-Damgård 一起使用,因為這就是 MD5 的整體。

而且這些操作模式並不完全相同,例如 Merkle-Damgård 在消息末尾應用一些簡單的填充來散列,然後將消息分成塊並像這樣處理它,而 UBI 構造使用額外的“配置”輸入”在其壓縮功能中,這需要以完全不同的方式處理消息。


我能想到的最佳折衷方案是根據它們使用的操作模式(例如 MD5、SHA1、SHA2、RIPEMD 等)對不同的散列函式進行分組分類在 UBI 類別中,等等),這將使與消息填充和處理相關的程式碼在必要時被重用,但也會略微增加程式碼複雜性。

這也是 HMAC 結構的一個問題。有一個完全抽象的 HMAC 結構,它適用於任何散列函式,而不管其內部結構如何,但是較新的散列函式開始提供自己特定的 HMAC 設計(例如,Skein 及其 HMAC 配置塊),這些設計比“標準”更有效“ 方法。







struct Binary;      // This is an array of bytes and inherits from a "string".
struct   Digest;
struct     Digestor;
struct       BlockDigestor;
struct         Md2Digestor;
struct         Md4Digestor;
struct         Md5Digestor;
struct         RipeMd128Digestor;
struct         RipeMd160Digestor;
struct         RipeMd256Digestor;
struct         RipeMd320Digestor;
struct         RipeMdDigestor;
struct         Sha160Digestor;
struct         Sha256Digestor;
struct         Sha512Digestor;
struct     Encryptor;
struct       Angerona;
struct       BlockEncryptor;
struct         Des;
struct         Rijndael;
struct         Tdea;


struct Digest : Binary
     Digest(Digest const & digest);

     void operator=(Digest const & digest);

     void consume(unsigned4 n);                 ///< Consume the first n bytes of the encryption buffer.
     using Binary::erase;
     using Binary::extent;
     using Binary::length;
     using Binary::size;

     virtual void      erase();                ///< Erase transformation data.
     virtual unsigned4 extent() const;         ///< Return the length of the transformed data.
     virtual unsigned4 length() const;         ///< Return the length of the transformed data.
     virtual unsigned4 size() const;           ///< Return the length of the transf ormed data.
     virtual void      swap(Digest & digest);  ///< Swap contents with another digest.

對於 Digestor(帶有註釋,因為它是關鍵的抽象)……

*    This is an abstract base class for all dynamic classes which
* "digest" a buffer resulting in a "digest". The general framework
* is modeled as follows...
*    1. Segmentation
*          The input is divided into a number of blocks of equal
*          length and the last, generally incomplete, block is
*          padded in a unique and reversible way.
*    2. Initialization
*          The initial chaining state is set equal to a value fixed
*          by the specification.
*    3. Iteration
*          The chaining state is updated sequentially by a chaining
*          transformation for all blocks.
*    4. Result
*          The digest is obtained from the final chaining state by
*          the output transformation.
* This model is realized by the following protocol.
*    1. Immediately following construction or a call to digest() the
*       internal state is such that calls to digest(buffer,n) will
*       perform (2).
*    2. Zero or more calls to digest(buffer,n) will perform (1) and
*       (3). An internal buffer will contain any undigested input
*       which is the result of partial segmentation.
*    3. Calls to digest() will treat any undigested input as an
*       incomplete final block and pad that block appropriately. It
*       will then perform (4) so that the digestor is a final digest.
*       Referencing the digest is an error before digest() has been
*       called.
*    4. Calls to digest(buffer) will effectively call digest(buffer,n)
*       and then digest().

struct Digestor : Digest
     virtual Digestor const & digest() = 0;                                  ///< Finalize digest.
     virtual Digestor const & digest(void const * buffer, unsigned4 n) = 0;  ///< Digest raw buffer.

    template <class Data> Digestor const & digest(Data const & buffer);     ///< Digest data buffer.

     Digestor const & operator()();
     Digestor const & operator()(void const * buffer, unsigned4 n);

     template <class Data> Digestor const & operator()(Data const & buffer); ///< Digest data buffer.

     virtual unsigned4    blockSize() const = 0;                             ///< Return length of block.
     virtual Byte const * digestData() const = 0;                            ///< Return pointer to digest.
     virtual unsigned4    digestSize() const = 0;                            ///< Return length of digest.

     void hmac(                                                              ///< Generate keyed Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC).
        void const * key,
        unsigned4    keyLength,
        void const * message,
        unsigned4    messageLength);

     static Digestor * digestor(HashDigestor hash);                          ///< Return a new digestor.

BlockDigestor 實現了基於塊的算法所需的介面。

*    A BlockDigestor is a Digestor which digests its input in blocks.
* Each block is N bytes long. The final block will contain a length
* field which is M bytes long and contains the number of input blocks.
* M is either 8 or 16. The length of the final digest is L bytes.

template <unsigned4 N, unsigned4 M, unsigned4 L, bool littleEndian>
  struct BlockDigestor : Digestor
        template <class Data> Digestor const & digest(Data const * string); ///< Digest string.
        template <class Data> Digestor const & digest(Data const & buffer); ///< Digest data buffer.

        Digestor const & digest();
        Digestor const & digest(void const * buffer, unsigned4 n);

        virtual void digestBlock(void const * buffer) = 0; ///< Digest block.
        virtual void finalize();                           ///< Finalize digest.
        virtual void initialize() = 0;                     ///< Initialize digest.

        unsigned8 digested$;
            Byte      buffer$[N];

並且(最後)這裡是 SHA 256 的標題,它顯示了所有內容是如何組合在一起的。

*    An Sha256Digestor instance is a digest which is the cryptographically
* secure, one-way hash of a buffer based on the SHA-2 federal standard
* (FIPS 180-2 issued by NIST).
* Note: If this class is instantiated where N has any value other than
*       224 or 256 then a link error will result. This is intentional.

template <unsigned4 N>
  struct Sha256Digestor : BlockDigestor<64,8,N/8,false>
        Sha256Digestor(Sha256Digestor<N> const & digest);

        void operator=(Sha256Digestor<N> const & digest);

        void digestBlock(void const * buffer); ///< Digest block.
        void finalize();                       ///< Finalize digest.
        void initialize();                     ///< Initialize digest.

           wordWidth$    =  4,           ///< Number of bytes in each word - 4 (SHA-1, SHA-256) or 8 (SHA-384, SHA-512).
               blockSize$    = 64,           ///< Number of bytes in block.
           lengthOffset$ = 56,           ///< Offset in block to length field.
               digestSize$   = N / 8,        ///< Size of digest in bytes.
           digestPad$    = (256 - N) / 8 ///< Length of additional internal state.

           unsigned1 digest1$[32];       ///< digestSize$ + digestPad$
               unsigned4 digest4$[32/4];

        static unsigned4 mixer0(unsigned4 x);
        static unsigned4 mixer1(unsigned4 x);
        static unsigned4 mixer2(unsigned4 x);
        static unsigned4 mixer3(unsigned4 x);
        static void      roundA(unsigned4 * w, unsigned4 & h0, unsigned4 & h1, unsigned4 & h2, unsigned4 & h3, unsigned4 & h4, unsigned4 & h5, unsigned4 & h6, unsigned4 & h7, unsigned i, unsigned4 const * b);
        static void      roundB(unsigned4 * w, unsigned4 & h0, unsigned4 & h1, unsigned4 & h2, unsigned4 & h3, unsigned4 & h4, unsigned4 & h5, unsigned4 & h6, unsigned4 & h7, unsigned i);
namespace ShaConstants
  extern unsigned4 sha32Constants[64];

typedef DigestorFinal<Sha256Digestor<224> > Sha224;
typedef DigestorFinal<Sha256Digestor<256> > Sha256;
