MerkleRoot 需要交易雜湊來建構 merkle 樹……這是 getblocktemplate 響應中的“雜湊”鍵/值還是“數據”?
我已經創建了一個解析 Json 對象和值的函式,就在我認為沒有什麼可以阻止我的時候,就在我覺得自己是區塊鏈之王並且我終於可以加入挖礦競賽的時候…..我得到一個痛苦的提醒/現實檢查……
getblocktemplate 中的每個事務都有這些作為鍵和它們的值。
每個事務數組中的內容列表中的哪個鍵值是我的 merkleroot 函式,應該用來建構 merklerot 雜湊……是它**
**?Merkleroot 需要交易雜湊……那麼它是雜湊Json Key 還是數據Json Key ?
在比特幣探勘過程中計算 merkleroot 所需的交易數據是 getblocktemplate 響應返回的“txid”密鑰。這適用於非見證交易處理。
- 原始交易數據。
- 原始交易數據的雙重雜湊輸出。
- 見證數據交易的見證雜湊輸出。這是我自己開發的一個工作 merkleRoot 函式。按預期工作。
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include "sha256.h" // Your sha256 solution with hex parsing function using std::string; using std::vector; using std::cout; string MKccx(vector<string> &transactions_vector) { string hash; string temp1; int x = 0, d = 0; vector<string> calculate_tx; // calculate_tx[0] = SwapPerRound_2bits(coinbase_hash); // Store swapped endian format in vector index 0 if (transactions_vector.empty()) { std::cout << "\n" << "ERROR! NO TRANSACTION FOUND IN ARRAY!!... NOT EVEN A COINBASE TRANSACTION!!!... EXITING FUNCTION!" << "\n \n"; throw; } else if (transactions_vector.size() == 1) { hash = transactions_vector[0]; return hash; } for(int i = 0; i < transactions_vector.size(); i++) // Swap 2 bytes and reverse order of all txid's within transactions array transactions_vector[i] = SwapPerRound_2bits(transactions_vector[i]); while(true) { int z = 0; if (transactions_vector.size()%2 == 1) // IF SIZE OF VECTOR % 2 == 1 { temp1 = transactions_vector[transactions_vector.size()-1]; // STORE VALUE OF LAST VECTOR INDEX TO TEMP1 transactions_vector.push_back(temp1); // ADD THAT VALUE INTO VECTOR for(int i = 0, z = i+1; i < transactions_vector.size(); i+=2) { hash = transactions_vector[i] + transactions_vector[z]; // Concatenate txid pairs together hash = double_Hex_sha256(hash); // DoubleHash concatenated txid's calculate_tx.push_back(hash); z+=2; } for (int i = 0; i < calculate_tx.size(); i++) { temp1 = calculate_tx[i]; transactions_vector[i] = temp1; } transactions_vector.resize(calculate_tx.size()); if (calculate_tx.size() == 2) { hash = calculate_tx[0] + calculate_tx[1]; hash = double_Hex_sha256(hash); hash = SwapPerRound_2bits(hash); return hash; } calculate_tx.clear(); } else if (transactions_vector.size()%2 == 0) // IF SIZE OF VECTOR % 2 == 0 { for(int i = 0, z = i+1; i < transactions_vector.size(); i+=2) { hash = transactions_vector[i] + transactions_vector[z]; // Concatenate txid pairs together hash = double_Hex_sha256(hash); // DoubleHash concatenated txid's calculate_tx.push_back(hash); z+=2; } for (int i = 0; i < calculate_tx.size(); i++) { temp1 = calculate_tx[i]; transactions_vector[i] = temp1; } transactions_vector.resize(calculate_tx.size()); if (calculate_tx.size() == 2) { hash = calculate_tx[0] + calculate_tx[1]; hash = double_Hex_sha256(hash); hash = SwapPerRound_2bits(hash); return hash; } calculate_tx.clear(); } } }// Successful compilation on 06/02/2022 int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { // HARDCODED TXID'S vector<string> transaction = {"8c14f0db3df150123e6f3dbbf30f8b955a8249b62ac1d1ff16284aefa3d06d87","fff2525b8931402dd09222c50775608f75787bd2b87e56995a7bdd30f79702c4","6359f0868171b1d194cbee1af2f16ea598ae8fad666d9b012c8ed2b79a236ec4","e9a66845e05d5abc0ad04ec80f774a7e585c6e8db975962d069a522137b80c1d","c02092b00aa0aea8463c624ccebdb0efdb18347068aa48c3d1b42766ca7e92ba"}; vector<string> block100000 = {"8c14f0db3df150123e6f3dbbf30f8b955a8249b62ac1d1ff16284aefa3d06d87","fff2525b8931402dd09222c50775608f75787bd2b87e56995a7bdd30f79702c4","6359f0868171b1d194cbee1af2f16ea598ae8fad666d9b012c8ed2b79a236ec4","e9a66845e05d5abc0ad04ec80f774a7e585c6e8db975962d069a522137b80c1d"}; vector<string> transaction2 = {"8c14f0db3df150123e6f3dbbf30f8b955a8249b62ac1d1ff16284aefa3d06d87"}; vector<string> transaction3 = {}; string merk; merk = MKccx(transaction3); std::cout << "MerkleRoot Hash is : " << merk << "\n \n"; // std::cout << "Merkle hash of Block 100,000 is : " << merk << "\n \n"; return 0; }
- 無論您使用什麼解決方案來交換字節順序
- 等效於 sha256(sha256());想知道這一切是如何結合在一起的嗎?
您需要一個 JSON 庫來將事務處理到您的 C++ 程序中
如果您還沒有可用的 JSON 解析器/序列化庫,那麼我推薦用於 JSON 解析和序列化的nlohmann json 庫。
#include "json.hpp" // for json serialization parser #include <fstream> // for ifstream #include <stdlib.h> // for system calls #include "windows.h" // if on windows using namespace nlohmann; using std::ifstream; inline void RunCommand_With_Output_Without_SYMBOL_Defined(string Command_To_Run, string Output_FileName) { string xx_combine = Command_To_Run + " >" + Output_FileName; char run_command[xx_combine.length()]; strcpy(run_command, xx_combine.c_str()); system(run_command); // execute the command } // Successfully compiled on 20/01/2022 10:20PM void GETBLOCKTEMPLATE() { string getblocktemplate_syntax = "cd \"C:\\Users\\YOUR DESKTOP NAME\\Desktop\\Z Code\" && call gt.bat"; string filename = "getblocktemplate_Response.json"; // Create file Name RunCommand_With_Output_Without_SYMBOL_Defined(getblocktemplate_syntax, filename); // create json file with getblockresponse output } // Successfully compiled on 31/01/2022 11:30AM int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { // DYNAMIC APPROACH FOR USAGE string merk; GETBLOCKTEMPLATE(); // Call getblocktemplate() ifstream file_input("getblocktemplate_Response.json"); // Open file json object = json::parse(file_input); // Parse json data file_input.close(); // close file vector<string> Txid_Retreiver; // vector for holding transactions auto &Array_Txid = object["transactions"]; // Create object pointing to 'transactions' array for(auto &target : Array_Txid) // Traverse through transaction array Txid_Retreiver.push_back(target["txid"].get<std::string>()); merk = MKccx(Txid_Retreiver); std::cout << "MerkleRoot Hash is : " << merk << "\n \n"; return 0; }
交易 Merkle 樹的根儲存在塊頭中,是根據各個交易的txid值(剝離見證後其數據的雙 SHA256)計算得出的。
見證 Merkle 樹的根儲存在 coinbase 輸出中(僅包含隔離見證交易的塊需要,參見 BIP141),是根據交易的雜湊值(包括見證數據的雙 SHA256)計算的。