

  • August 7, 2021


什麼樣的設計可以與 Skein 配合得很好?Skein論文(pdf) 有一個時間硬 PBKDF(基本上散列密碼重複很多次),但不是一個記憶硬的。


PBKDF 中沒有針對記憶體硬功能的一種特定設計。您可以查看記憶體硬 PBKDF 的各種現有設計(scrypt、Argon2),以獲取記憶體硬功能的範例。

讓我們定義 3 種不同的方法,從低級到高級:

  1. 評論中特別提到了 Catena,因為它只需要一個通用的雜湊方法來執行。如果可以使用任何安全散列函式,那麼 Skein 應該是一個安全的選擇。
  2. KMAC 現在已被 NIST 定義為安全的 HMAC 替代品。因此,您可以將 scrypt 與 PBKDF2 一起使用,其中 HMAC 被 KMAC 替換。
  3. scrypt 使用 PBKDF2 作為底層 CPU 硬函式。只需將 scrypt 中的 PBKDF2 函式替換為另一個 CPU 硬函式,例如 Skein 的 PBKDF。


目前,單個 GPU 集群可以突破近 10000 億( $ 10^{10} $ ) 每秒的密碼/雜湊值,想像一下狀態攻擊者或黑客團隊可以用硬體 ASIC、超級電腦或殭屍網路做些什麼。基本上,16-17 個字元的密碼( $ 2^{80} $ 熵)可以在幾小時或幾天內用蠻力打破,我們甚至還沒有進入量子時代。

事情變得更糟了,因為散列通常是在單個 CPU 上生成的,而世界 CPU 數量正在增加,因此攻擊者的可用性。


  1. 開發人員生成密碼雜湊的速度太快且沒有加鹽,因此當黑客恢復雜湊數據庫時,他們可以通過蠻力恢復密碼。或者他們嘗試生成具有低熵輸入的散列。
  2. GPU 使用許多小核心來執行此任務,如果每個核心都為算法使用大量記憶體,它們很快就會耗盡記憶體。

本地加密過程的弱點通常不是算法,而是由密碼生成的雜湊密鑰,如果一個人能記住 15 個字元,那麼攻擊者寧願嘗試這個低熵輸入的所有變體,而不是破解加密的 256 位隨機密鑰數據。因此**,如果加密密鑰生成緩慢,系統受到暴力攻擊**的機會就會減少。

有幾個已知的此類拉伸函式,例如 scrypt,您可以在下面找到一個簡單範例,說明如何製作此類函式以避免大規模並行計算攻擊。

通過創建於 2015 年 10 月 22 日)

// HKF - Memory Hard Key Derivation Function v 1.4
// Adrian Pirvu - October 14, 2015
// A memory hard key derivation function without useless overhead
// 3.4s with 1G memory and 1 million rounds on first generation i7 CPU
// INPUT: password - up to 256 bytes; salt - no limitation;  megabytes: memory you intend to use; rounds: memory pickup rounds;
// OUTPUT: stretched key hash (current 256 bytes) - you can either simple hash to less this value or use part of it.
// Arc4 used as a one way random generator, but any stream cipher can be used
// No need to generate memory diffusion like others functions, I only make sure that the final hash that I get is irreversible and not biased
// No side attacks considered, if the attacker has access to your RAM then an activity tracking RAT already took your password or screenshots of your mouse clicks
// Tags: fast memory hard function, password hashing, memory hard key stretching, memory hard key strengthening, scrypt, bcrypt, sequential memory hard function
// Looking for feedback and some possible GPUs cluster tests. If anyone is interested in further development or a possible public project, please let me know.

#include "stdafx.h"
//#include <string.h>
//#include <time.h>
//#include <windows.h>

extern "C"

   unsigned int i = 0, j = 0, m = 0, z = 0;
   unsigned char s[256], k[256];

   void RngInit(unsigned char* key, int keyLength, unsigned char* salt, int saltLength);
   unsigned char RngNextByte();
   unsigned int RngNextInt();

   //unsigned int TEST_MEGABYTES = 1024;
   //unsigned int TEST_ROUNDS = 1000000;

   // return a hashable strengthen key of desired length from password and salt
   __declspec(dllexport) void GetHashKey(unsigned char* password, int passwordLength, unsigned char* salt, int saltLength, int megabytes, int rounds, unsigned char* output)
       // dinamically allocates memory 4 * 1024 * megabytes
       int ROWS = 4 * 1024 * megabytes; // each row is 256 bytes (256 * 4 * 1024 = 1k * 1024 = 1M)
       int COLUMNS = 64; // * 4 bytes per int = 256 bytes
       unsigned int* box = new unsigned int[ROWS * COLUMNS];
       unsigned int tmp = 0;

       // init the random engine and get a temporary key
       RngInit(password, passwordLength, salt, saltLength);
       unsigned int key[64];
       for (int col = 0; col < 64; col++)
           key[col] = RngNextInt();

       // reinit the engine for safety and get a start key and the session salt
       RngInit((unsigned char*) key, 256, salt, saltLength);
       unsigned int pepper[64];
       for (int col = 0; col < 64; col++)
           key[col] = RngNextInt();
           pepper[col] = RngNextInt();
           box[col] = key[col]; // first row is the start key

       // fills the memory fast, with a bit of diffusion (we really don't need much)
       unsigned int random = key[34] * key[56] + key[62];
       for (int row = 1; row < ROWS; row++)
           // breaks the row random and switch parts
           int index = box[(row - 1) * COLUMNS + 56] & 0x000000FF;
           memcpy((unsigned char*) &box[row * COLUMNS] + index, (unsigned char*) &box [(row - 1) * COLUMNS], 256 - index);
           memcpy((unsigned char*) &box[row * COLUMNS], (unsigned char*) &box [(row - 1) * COLUMNS] + 256 - index, index);

           // xor each number with the session salt and pseudorandom number
           for (int col = 0; col < 64; col++)
               random = (2147483629 * random + 2147483587); // maybe something with longer period?
               box[row * COLUMNS + col] = (box[row * COLUMNS + col] + pepper[col]) ^ random;

       // start with the last row to avoid precalculations and algo redesign
       for (int col = 0; col < 64; col++)
           key[col] = box[(ROWS - 1) * COLUMNS + col];

       //clock_t start = clock();

       // intensively get random integers from memory and mix them into the pseudorandom key
       for (int rnd = 0; rnd < rounds; rnd++)
           for (int col = 0; col < 64; col++)
               i = (i + 1) % 256;
               j = (j + s[i]) % 256;
               tmp = s[i];
               s[i] = s[j];
               s[j] = tmp;
               unsigned int sum1 = (s[i] + s[j]);
               unsigned int column = sum1 % 64;
               unsigned int row = (key[col] + sum1 + i + j) % ROWS;
               sum1 = sum1 % 256;

               i = (i + 1) % 256;
               j = (j + s[i]) % 256;
               tmp = s[i];
               s[i] = s[j];
               s[j] = tmp;
               unsigned int sum2 = (s[i] + s[j]) % 256;

               unsigned int total = (sum1 << (16 + (sum2 % 8))) + (sum2 << (sum1 % 8));
               key[col] = (key[col] + total) ^ (box [row * COLUMNS + column] + pepper[col]);
               //key[col] += RngNextInt() ^ (box [row * COLUMNS + column] + key[col]);

       //clock_t diff = clock() - start;
       //char message[1000];
       //float seconds = ((float) diff) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
       //sprintf(message, "Seconds: %0.3f\r\n\0", seconds);

       // build output
       for (int col = 0; col < 256; col++)
           output[col] = RngNextByte() ^ ((unsigned char*) key)[col];

       // cleanup
       for (int col = 0; col < COLUMNS; col++)
           box[(ROWS - 1) * COLUMNS + col] ^= box[(ROWS - 1)* COLUMNS + col];
           key[col] ^= key[col];
           pepper[col] ^= pepper[col];
       ROWS = 0;
       COLUMNS = 0;

       // should overwrite memory
       delete[] box;

   // init RNG engine 
   void RngInit(unsigned char* key, int keyLength, unsigned char* salt, int saltLength)
       unsigned char tmp = 0;

       i = j = 0;
       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
           s[i] = i;
           k[i] = key[i % keyLength];

       j = 0;
       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
           j = (j + s[i] + k[i]) % 256;
           tmp = s[i];
           s[i] = s[j];
           s[j] = tmp ;

       // discard start to bypass key scheduler flaws, also mix the salt
       i = j = m = z = 0;
       for (int idx = 0; idx < 3000 + k[251] + saltLength; idx++)
           i = (i + 1) % 256;
           if (saltLength > 0)
               j = (m + s[(j + s[i]) % 256] + salt[idx % saltLength]) % 256;
               j = (m + s[(j + s[i]) % 256]) % 256;
           m = (m + i + s[j]) % 256;
           tmp = s[i];
           s[i] = s[j];
           s[j] = tmp;
           z = s[(j + s[(i + s[(z + m) % 256]) % 256]) % 256];

   // obtain a random byte from Rng engine
   unsigned char RngNextByte()
       unsigned char tmp = 0;

       // use RC4, is faster
       i = (i + 1) % 256;
       j = (j + s[i]) % 256;
       tmp = s[i];
       s[i] = s[j];
       s[j] = tmp;
       return (s[i] + s[j]) % 256;

       //i = (i + 1) % 256;
       //j = (m + s[(j + s[i]) % 256]) % 256;
       //m = (m + i + s[j]) % 256;
       //tmp = s[i];
       //s[i] = s[j];
       //s[j] = tmp;
       //z = s[(j + s[(i + s[(z + m) % 256]) % 256]) % 256];
       //return z;

   // obtain a random int from Rng engine
   unsigned int RngNextInt()
       unsigned char tmp = 0;
       unsigned char output[4];
       for (int idx = 0; idx < sizeof(int); idx++)
           output[idx] = RngNextByte();

       return *((unsigned int*) output);

   //// main function, for test purposes
   //int main(int argc, char * argv[])
   //  const char* password = "monkey";
   //  const char* salt = "superman";
   //  unsigned char output[256];
   //  GetHashKey((unsigned char*) password, strlen(password), (unsigned char*) salt, strlen(salt), TEST_MEGABYTES, TEST_ROUNDS, output);

   //  //FILE* file = fopen("d:\\key.dat", "wb");
   //  //fwrite((void*) key, 1, 100000000, file);
   //  //fflush(file);
   //  //fclose(file);

