
如何使這個 PHP merkle 根腳本遞歸?

  • April 1, 2016

我一直在嘗試用 PHP 編寫我自己的 merkle root 腳本來幫助我自己理解,但我一直在為遞歸而苦苦掙扎。

我已經設法編寫了將散列成對 TXID 的函式,但我不知道如何讓它繼續呼叫自己,以便最終在數組中只剩下一個散列。




它似乎也錯誤地計算了散列 - 散列操作是SHA256(SHA256($pair)). 我重構了函式binFlipByteOrder(),它只適用於二進制,所以我們可以在將其渲染為十六進制之前翻轉雜湊。


function binFlipByteOrder($string) {
   return implode('', array_reverse(str_split($string, 1)));

function merkleroot($txids) {

   // Check for when the result is ready, otherwise recursion
   if (count($txids) === 1) {
       return $txids[0];

   // Calculate the next row of hashes
   $pairhashes = [];
   while (count($txids) &gt; 0) {
       if (count($txids) &gt;= 2) {
           // Get first two
           $pair_first = $txids[0];
           $pair_second = $txids[1];

           // Hash them
           $pair = $pair_first.$pair_second;
           $pairhashes[] = hash('sha256', hash('sha256', $pair, true), true);

           // Remove those two from the array

           // Re-set the indexes (the above just nullifies the values) and make a new array without the original first two slots.
           $txids = array_values($txids);

       if (count($txids) == 1) {
           // Get the first one twice
           $pair_first = $txids[0];
           $pair_second = $txids[0];

           // Hash it with itself
           $pair = $pair_first.$pair_second;
           $pairhashes[] = hash('sha256', hash('sha256', $pair, true), true);

           // Remove it from the array

           // Re-set the indexes (the above just nullifies the values) and make a new array without the original first two slots.
           $txids = array_values($txids);

   return merkleroot($pairhashes);

$txids = array(

$txidsBEbinary = [];
foreach ($txids as $txidBE) {
   // covert to binary, then flip
   $txidsBEbinary[] = binFlipByteOrder(hex2bin($txidBE));
$root = merkleroot($txidsBEbinary);

echo bin2hex(binFlipByteOrder($root)) . PHP_EOL;
