
Is there any semantic difference between predicate encryption and functional encryption?

  • April 2, 2018

Predicate encryption(PE) arrived as a descendant of attribute based encryption. Attribute based encryption allows the encryptor to embody a policy to the ciphertext (Ciphertext-Policy based encryption) and the receipent to receive a key from a central trusted authority according to his attributes. If the attributes do satisfy the policy then the receipent can decrypts. Another less secure version is the key-policy based encryption whereby the encryptor associates with the ciphertext the attributes that he wills a potential decryptor to have and the key of the receiver comes with the policy. Because attribute based encryption reveals the policy(KP-ABE) and the attributes(CP-ABE) predicate encryption comes to solve this by allowing the receipent to apply a predicate if he owns a secret key of that predicate.

Functional encryption(FE) As presented in the paper is a generalization of Identity based encryption, Attribute based encryption and predicate encryption. Instead of a predicate there is a function [Math Processing Error] $ f $ that evaluates the attributes of the ciphertext. At the paper the construction is given based on predicate encryption.

我的問題是FE與****PE相比提供了哪些額外功能。FE解決的PE中是否存在缺陷或安全漏洞?我從文獻中得到的直覺是,FE的貢獻是將前面提到的 3 種加密方案(IBE、ABE、PE)概括為 1 種方案(研究目的是為了在會議中接受,根本不實用),其次是領域的應用程序。我知道在PE中,如果您的密鑰 $ sk $ 讓您評估 $ 1 $ 謂詞 $ P $ 在密文上[Math Processing Error] $ c $ 然後你恢復明文,但如果使用FE $ F_{sk}(c)=1 $ 然後你在明文上學習函式的輸出。即:該功能可能是分類垃圾郵件的機器學習算法,因此您可以了解郵件是否為垃圾郵件,但不了解郵件的內容。它是否正確?

PE 是 FE 的子類。


另外,據我了解,您的類比是正確的。如果謂詞計算結果為真,PE 返回明文。另一方面,FE 返回明文的函式。

我們可以說 PE 是 FE 的子類,因為我們可以使用 FE 來實現 PE。只需使用身份功能。

你的例子 $ f $ 作為機器學習功能是 FE 可以做到而 PE 無法做到的一個例子。

**PE 是 FE 的子類。**可以在“密碼學理論:第 8 屆密碼學理論會議,TCC 2011”一書的第 256 頁上找到描述。

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