
有人可以給我 ELI5 進行比特幣原子交換嗎?

  • June 5, 2017

我在這裡閱讀 wiki 頁面:https ://


A picks a random number x

A creates TX1: "Pay w BTC to <B's public key> if (x for H(x) known and signed by B) or (signed by A & B)"

A creates TX2: "Pay w BTC from TX1 to <A's public key>, locked 48 hours in the future, signed by A"

A sends TX2 to B

B signs TX2 and returns to A

1) A submits TX1 to the network

B creates TX3: "Pay v alt-coins to <A-public-key> if (x for H(x) known and signed by A) or (signed by A & B)"

B creates TX4: "Pay v alt-coins from TX3 to <B's public key>, locked 24 hours in the future, signed by B"

B sends TX4 to A

A signs TX4 and sends back to B

2) B submits TX3 to the network

3) A spends TX3 giving x

4) B spends TX1 using x

This is atomic (with timeout).  If the process is halted, it can be reversed no matter when it is stopped.

Before 1: Nothing public has been broadcast, so nothing happens
Between 1 & 2: A can use refund transaction after 72 hours to get his money back
Between 2 & 3: B can get refund after 24 hours.  A has 24 more hours to get his refund
After 3: Transaction is completed by 2
- A must spend his new coin within 24 hours or B can claim the refund and keep his coins
- B must spend his new coin within 72 hours or A can claim the refund and keep his coins

For safety, both should complete the process with lots of time until the deadlines.


更具體地說,OP 中的 Tier Nolan 的工作方式如下。

  1. A隨機選擇一個x並給H(x)B。
  2. A 將她的硬幣發送到 2-of-2 的輸出端,如果 B 顯示 ,則 B 可以使用該輸出端x。類似地,B 將他的硬幣發送到 2-of-2 輸出,如果 A 透露 ,則 A 可以使用該輸出x。它們分別是 TX1 和 TX3。
  3. (在廣播這些之前,他們創建了鎖定時間的“退款”交易 TX2 和 TX4。重要的是,A 的鎖定時間比 B 的要長得多,這樣如果她得到退款,B 已經很長時間才能收到他的退款,並且不在A 透露x也拿走他的硬幣的風險。)
  4. 這時,A 拿走了她的硬幣,露出x
  5. 看到這一點,B 學習x並拿走了他的硬幣。

有一種稱為硬幣交換的變體,x它不會觸及區塊鏈,其中步驟 (4) 和 (5) 被替換為 A 揭示x鏈下,然後簽名者只是互相給予硬幣,僅用x作備份。這使鎖定時間結構複雜化,並且還需要保存不同形狀的交易x及其在區塊鏈上的散列,不幸的是,這使協議看起來非常可怕,但這就是正在發生的一切。
