使用 Truffle 訪問第三方合約的功能
我正在嘗試建構一個基本儀表板,讓我可以跟踪任何給定 ICO 的狀態(假設令牌是 ERC20)。
現在,我設法部署了一個基於 OpenZeppelin 和 Truffle 的簡單 Crowdsale + Coin 合約,並且我能夠訪問我建構的 Angular 2 前端上的狀態變數和函式。
接下來我做的事情也很好,使用 web3(沒有 Truffle)來訪問另一個部署的 Token,例如 BAT 並讀取它的公共狀態變數。這是通過以下程式碼實現的:
var abi = [...] ; // Copied ABI from Etherscan var MyContract = this.web3.eth.contract(abi); // initiate contract for an address var myContractInstance ='0x0D8775F648430679A709E98d2b0Cb6250d2887EF'); //Address to which BAT token is deployed. // call constant function (synchronous way) //var owner = myContractInstance; console.log(myContractInstance);{from: this.account}, function(error, result){ console.log(result.toString(10)) });
這有效地允許我從我自己的前端訪問 BAT 的 totalSupply。
現在,我很難弄清楚如何複製這段程式碼,但使用 Truffle 而不是 web3 呼叫。
//Contracts have been built with Truffle here: const crowdsaleArtifacts = require('../../build/contracts/PabloCoinCrowdsale.json'); const coinArtifacts = require('../../build/contracts/PabloCoin.json'); Crowdsale = contract(crowdsaleArtifacts); Coin = contract(coinArtifacts); //Bootstrap abstraction for use. this.Crowdsale.setProvider(this.web3.currentProvider); this.Coin.setProvider(this.web3.currentProvider); //Once everything is loaded, for example, get totalSupply of Coin this.getCoinInstance(); getCoinInstance(){ this.Crowdsale .deployed() .then(instance =>{ //Set the ref for the contract and look up it's associated token this.crowdsaleInstance = instance; this.crowdsaleInstance.token() .then(addr => { .then(instance2 =>{ // set the ref for the token and get totalSupply. this.coinInstance = instance2; this.totalSupply(); }) }) }) .catch(e => { console.log("ERR",e); }); } totalSupply(){ this.coinInstance.totalSupply({ from: this.account }) .then(value =>{ console.log("Total Supply:",this.web3.fromWei(value, "ether").toString(10)); }) .catch(e => { console.log(e); }); }
var MyTruffleContract = contract({ abi: abi //ABI obtained from Etherscan. }) MyTruffleContract.setProvider(this.web3.currentProvider); console.log(MyTruffleContract); MyTruffleContract .at("0x0D8775F648430679A709E98d2b0Cb6250d2887EF") //Address of the contract, obtained from Etherscan .then(instance =>{ instance.totalSupply({ from: this.account }) .then(value =>{ console.log("Total Supply:",this.web3.fromWei(value, "ether").toString(10)); }) .catch(e => { console.log(e); }); })