
應付地址公共導致 SWC 110 和執行狀態

  • April 14, 2021


==== Exception State ====
SWC ID: 110
Severity: Medium
Contract: XXXXXXX
Function name: recipients(uint256)
PC address: 2067
Estimated Gas Usage: 1089 - 1184
An assertion violation was triggered.
It is possible to trigger an assertion violation. Note that Solidity assert() statements should only be used to check invariants. Review the transaction trace generated for this issue and either make sure your program logic is correct, or use require() instead of assert() if your goal is to constrain user inputs or enforce preconditions. Remember to validate inputs from both callers (for instance, via passed arguments) and callees (for instance, via return values).
In file: something.sol:42

address payable[] public recipients
Initial State:

Account: [CREATOR], balance: 0x0, nonce:0, storage:{}
Account: [ATTACKER], balance: 0x0, nonce:0, storage:{}
Account: [SOMEGUY], balance: 0x0, nonce:0, storage:{}

Transaction Sequence:

Caller: [CREATOR], calldata: , value: 0x0
Caller: [ATTACKER], function: recipients(uint256), txdata: 0xd1bc76a10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, value: 0x0


address payable[] public recipients;


modifier onlyOwner {
       msg.sender == owner,
       "Only the contract owner can call this function"

function addRecipient(address payable payee) public onlyOwner {

誰能解釋為什麼呼叫recipients導致異常?我無法理解。我唯一能理解的是解碼類型為 address 的 tx 數據0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000,這有關係嗎?

