基於資產的轉賬 Solidity 合約
- 創建具有契約所有者所有權的資產(land_id、land_size、land_price)。
- 將資產轉讓給他人。
- 獲取目前所有權
- 以前的所有者列表
- 獲取資產詳細資訊。
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0; contract Asset { uint256 public owners_count; address public contract_owner; // Manufacturer/owner bytes32 public land_id; // land_id bytes32 public land_sqrfeet; // land_sqrfeet bytes32 public land_created_date; // Created date mapping(uint => address) public owners; // list of owners function createland(bytes32 _land_id, bytes32 _land_sqrfeet, bytes32 _land_created_date) public returns (bool){ setOwner(msg.sender); land_id = _land_id; land_sqrfeet = _land_sqrfeet; land_created_date = _land_created_date; return true; } //Modifier that only allows owner of the bag to Smart Contract AKA Good to use the function modifier onlyOwner(){ require(msg.sender == contract_owner); _; } //This function transfer ownership of contract from one entity to another function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner(){ require(_newOwner != address(0)); contract_owner = _newOwner; } //Get the previous owner in the mappings function previousOwner() view public returns(address){ if(owners_count != 0){ uint256 previous_owner = owners_count - 1; return owners[previous_owner]; } } function setOwner(address owner)public{ owners_count += 1 ; owners[owners_count] = owner; } function getCurrentOwner() view public returns(address){ return owners[owners_count] ; } function getOwnerCount() view public returns(uint256){ return owners_count; }}
- 每個資產應該是不同的合約地址還是一個合約地址?
- 如果為所有資產使用一個合約地址,我如何通過合約功能獲取舊交易?
- 每個資產應該是不同的合約地址還是一個合約地址?
Ans : 每個資產只能在一個合約地址上。
- 如果為所有資產使用一個合約地址,我如何通過合約功能獲取舊交易?
**Ans : 您可以使用結構(資料結構)來儲存您的所有資產詳細資訊,也可以用於獲取詳細資訊。**您可以查看此連結以了解如何創建結構。