從 React 呼叫智能合約函式
我正在從 React 呼叫 Solidity 中的智能合約功能,它應該計算特定選擇的票數。當我從松露控制台呼叫該函式時,該函式執行良好。但是,當我從 React 應用程序呼叫它時,該函式被執行但投票不計算在內。
function doVote(uint _choice) public inState(State.Voting) returns(bool voted) { bool found = false; if(!voterRegister[msg.sender].voted ){ voterRegister[msg.sender].voted = true; vote memory v; v.voterAddress = msg.sender; v.choice = _choice; candidatesRegister[_choice].votes++ ; votes[totalVote] = v; totalVote++; found = true; } return found; }
> ballot = await Ballot.deployed() > ballot.doVote(1)
在 React 中,我有這個函式,其中地址代表登錄到應用程序的使用者的公鑰:
export const doVote = async (choice, address)=> { web3.eth.defaultAccount = address; console.log("network: " + Contract.networks[networkID].address) const BallotContract = new web3.eth.Contract(Contract.abi, Contract.networks[networkID].address); return await BallotContract.methods .doVote(choice) };
如果我將 .call() 添加到 .doVote(choice) 函式將返回“true”
當您執行.call()時,區塊鏈的狀態不會改變。根據 web3 文件: Will call a “constant” method and execute its smart contract method in the EVM without sending any transaction. Note calling cannot alter the smart contract state.
methods.myMethod.send Will send a transaction to the smart contract and execute its method. Note this can alter the smart contract state.
假設您的瀏覽器中有元遮罩,則此解決方案與 ethers 一起使用:
我也使用了 react,我將合約 abi 和地址儲存在 json 中
import smartContract from './smart-contract-abi.json'; import contractAddress from './contract-address.json'; import { ethers } from 'ethers'; // step 1 - Connect wallet await window.ethereum.request({method: 'eth_requestAccounts'}); // step 2 - Initialize your contract this.provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum); this.yourSignedContractObject = new ethers.Contract( contractAddress.Address, smartContract.Abi, this.provider.getSigner(0) ); // step 3 - Submit transaction to metamask const tx = await this.yourSignedContractObject.doVote(yourChoice)
來源:(檢查 typescript PR)