無法理解 UpgradeabilityProxyFactory 的實現
我想使用zeppelin 提供的UpgradeabilityProxy,他們有一個方法createProxyAndCall,他們說使用我們提供的數據參數初始化新實現,如下所示:
* @dev Creates an upgradeability proxy with initial implementation and calls it. * This is useful to initialize the proxied contract. * @param implementation Address of the initial implementation. * @param serviceRegistry service registry * @param data Data to send as msg.data in the low level call. * It should include the signature and the parameters of the function to be * called, as described in * https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/abi-spec.html#function-selector-and-argument-encoding. * @return Address of the new proxy. */ function createProxyAndCall( address implementation, address serviceRegistry, bytes data ) public payable returns (MaintainableUpgradeabilityProxy) { MaintainableUpgradeabilityProxy proxy = _createProxy(implementation, serviceRegistry); // proxy.changeAdmin(owner); /* solium-disable-next-line */ require(address(proxy).call.value(msg.value)(data), "failed to call proxy with data"); if (autoActivate) { Activatable(address(proxy)).activate(); } return proxy; }
require(address(proxy).call.value(msg.value)(data), "failed to call proxy with data");
2) 另外你能告訴我如何將數據傳遞給給定的函式,如果我的邏輯合約需要 String、uint 和地址類型的 3 個參數,我應該如何在函式 createProxyAndCall() 中傳遞它?
openzeppelin create
? Do you want to call a function on the instance after creating it?
pragma solidity ^0.5.0; import "@openzeppelin/upgrades/contracts/Initializable.sol"; contract Counter is Initializable { uint256 public value; function initialize(uint256 initialValue) initializer public { value = initialValue; } function increase() public { value++; } }
openzeppelin 創建
$ npx openzeppelin create ✓ Compiled contracts with solc 0.5.11 (commit.c082d0b4) ? Pick a contract to instantiate Counter ? Pick a network development ✓ Added contract Counter ✓ Contract Counter deployed All contracts have been deployed ? Do you want to call a function on the instance after creating it? Yes ? Select which function * initialize(initialValue: uint256) ? initialValue (uint256): 42 ✓ Setting everything up to create contract instances ✓ Instance created at 0x25D02115bd67258a406A0F676147E6C3598a91a9 0x25D02115bd67258a406A0F676147E6C3598a91a9
使用 OpenZeppelin SDK 的推薦方式是通過命令行界面,如果首選程式界面,請參閱文件: https ://docs.openzeppelin.com/sdk/2.5/zos-lib
例如,使用相同的 Counter.sol 合約,如果與 Truffle 一起使用,則首先編譯。
$ npx truffle compile Compiling your contracts... =========================== > Compiling ./contracts/Counter.sol > Compiling ./contracts/Migrations.sol > Compiling @openzeppelin/upgrades/contracts/Initializable.sol > Artifacts written to /mnt/c/Users/andre/Documents/projects/forum/upgrade/build/contracts > Compiled successfully using: - solc: 0.5.8+commit.23d335f2.Emscripten.clang
創建腳本來部署 Counter 合約並初始化
{ initArgs: [42] }
// Required by @openzeppelin/upgrades when running from truffle global.artifacts = artifacts; global.web3 = web3; // Import dependencies from OpenZeppelin SDK programmatic library const { Contracts, SimpleProject, ZWeb3 } = require('@openzeppelin/upgrades') async function main() { /* Initialize OpenZeppelin's Web3 provider. */ ZWeb3.initialize(web3.currentProvider) /* Retrieve compiled contract artifacts. */ const Counter = Contracts.getFromLocal('Counter'); /* Retrieve a couple of addresses to interact with the contracts. */ const [creatorAddress, initializerAddress] = await ZWeb3.accounts(); /* Create a SimpleProject to interact with OpenZeppelin programmatically. */ const myProject = new SimpleProject('MyProject', null, { from: creatorAddress }); /* Deploy the contract with a proxy that allows upgrades. Initialize it by setting the value to 42. */ const instance = await myProject.createProxy(Counter, { initArgs: [42] }) console.log('Counter\'s value:', (await instance.methods.value().call({ from: initializerAddress })).toString()); } // For truffle exec module.exports = function(callback) { main().then(() => callback()).catch(err => callback(err)) };
部署 Counter 合約並初始化
$ npx truffle exec index.js Using network 'development'. Counter's value: 42
注意:您的問題提供了一個更舊版本的文件的連結,最新版本是:https ://docs.openzeppelin.com/sdk/2.5/
我假設您可能使用的是舊版本的 OpenZeppelin SDK(pre version 2)。我推薦使用最新版本的 OpenZeppelin SDK。
以上使用了 OpenZeppelin SDK 2.5.2
$ npx openzeppelin --version 2.5.2
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