我有一份契約,其中包含一些資金,我想將這些資金平等地轉移到以數組形式保存的地址。例如,合約中的 3 個乙太幣意味著 1 個乙太幣流向 3 個地址數組中的每個地址。這到底是怎麼做的?
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.14; contract RSVP { address public Host; address[] public rsvpAddresses; address[] public checkedInAddresses; enum Status {RSVPInProgress, RSVPCheckInOver} Status public status; constructor() { Host = msg.sender; } /// Only the Host can call this function error OnlyHost(); modifier onlyHost() { if (msg.sender != Host) { revert OnlyHost(); } _; } function rsvp() public payable { require(msg.value == 1 ether, "You must pay 1 ether to RSVP"); rsvpAddresses.push(payable(msg.sender)); } function getBalance() public view onlyHost returns (uint) { return address(this).balance; } function eventStartCheckIn(address payable guest) public onlyHost { for (uint i = 0; i < rsvpAddresses.length; i++) { if (guest == rsvpAddresses[i]) guest.transfer(1 ether); checkedInAddresses.push(guest); } } function checkInOver() public onlyHost { status = Status.RSVPCheckInOver; } function disperseRemainingFunds() public onlyHost { require(status == Status.RSVPCheckInOver); uint disbursement = (address(this).balance / checkedInAddresses.length); } }
address[] public addressArray; function distribute() public { uint256 arrayLength = addressArray.length; uint256 amountToPay = address(this).balance/arrayLength; uint256 i; for(i =0; i<arrayLength -1; i++ ){ payable(addressArray[i]).transfer(amountToPay); } payable(addressArray[arrayLength-1]).transfer(address(this).balance); }
我們轉移到循環外的最後一個地址,因為整數除法返回除法的地板函式,這意味著一些資金可能仍在合約中,但不會大於 wei 中的地址數。因此,如果您的數組中有 20 個地址,您的最後一個地址可能會收到最多 19 個額外的 wei。