我正在嘗試在用 Solidity 編寫的智能合約中將一些乙太幣從一個帳戶發送到另一個帳戶。轉賬成功,但收到的金額與轉賬金額不完全匹配。有一個非常微小的差異,有時會增加,有時會減少。
例如 -
received amount: 0.04999999999999716 Transferred amount: 0.05
另一個例子 -
Received amount - 0.05000000000001137 Transferred amount -0.05
進行傳輸的 Solidity 函式 -
function borrowBook(uint id) onlyMember payable{ // Can't borrow book if passed value is not sufficient if (msg.value < 100){ throw; } // Can't borrow a non-existent book if (id > numBooks || catalog[id].state != State.Available) { throw; } catalog[id].borrower = msg.sender; catalog[id].dateIssued = now; catalog[id].state = State.Borrowed; // 50% value is shared with the owner var owner_share = msg.value/2; if (!catalog[id].owner.send(owner_share)){ throw; } Borrow(id, msg.sender, catalog[id].dateIssued); }
我正在檢查發送方和接收方餘額的測試案例 -
it.only('should borrow book and transfer 50% weis to owner account', async function(){ await lms.addBook('a', 'b', 'c'); await lms.addMember('Michael Scofield', accounts[2]); // balance of owner and borrower's account before book borrow let ownerBal1 = web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0]).valueOf()); let borrowBal1 = web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2]).valueOf()); await lms.borrowBook(1, {from: accounts[2], value: web3.toWei(0.1)}); // balance of owner and borrower's account after book borrow let ownerBal2 = web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0]).valueOf()); let borrowBal2 = web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2]).valueOf()); let contractBal = web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(lms.address).valueOf()); // contract account get's 50% of the value assert.equal(contractBal, 0.05); // owner's account should get increased by approx 50% of sent value console.log(ownerBal2 - ownerBal1); console.log(0.05); console.log(borrowBal1-borrowBal2); assert.isAtMost(ownerBal2 - ownerBal1, 0.05); // borrower's account shoul d get decreased by atleat total sent value assert.isAtLeast(borrowBal1 - borrowBal2, 0.1); });
如果可能,將值保留在BigNumber中以避免 Javascript 精度和數量限制。盡量避免使用
,並在需要時更喜歡使用 BigNumber 方法。所以更精確的程式碼是這樣的:
let ownerBal1 = web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0]));