Etherscan 說沒有足夠的乙太幣,為什麼?
Etherscan 說沒有足夠的乙太幣,為什麼?參數,我輸入 => requestLoan(3,31,3) 並在更改帳戶後,provideGuarantee(0,3)
我已經創建了 dApp 以及它在我的程式碼中的外觀,你可以在這裡看到
this.etherAmount = 3; await this.bankContract.methods.requestLoan(this.etherAmount, 31, 2).send({from: this.state.borrower}).then(res => console.log("Request loan " + res.status)); await this.bankContract.methods.provideGuarantee(0, 4).send({from: this.state.guarantor, gas: 40000, value: this.etherAmount}).then(res => console.log("Provide guarantee " + res.status));
交易連結 =>
function requestLoan(uint etherBorrow, uint8 payBackDate, uint8 etherInterest) public { Loan memory loan = Loan({loanee: msg.sender, index: loansCount, etherBorrow: etherBorrow, payBackDate: now + (payBackDate * 1 days), etherInterest: etherInterest, _isGuaranteeProvided: false, _isLoanProvided: false, _isLoanExist: true}); loans[loansCount] = loan; loansCount++; } function provideGuarantee(uint index, uint8 guaranteeInterest) public payable // payable means that value should have ether { require( index < loansCount, "This index does not exist"); require(loans[index].loanee != msg.sender, "The borrower can't provide a guarantee to himself"); require(lenders[index] != msg.sender, "The lender can't provide guarantee for the loan"); require(!loans[index]._isGuaranteeProvided, "This loan already has a guarantee"); require(guaranteesCount < loansCount || !guarantees[index]._isWaitingForHandling, "This guarantee already waiting for handling of borrower"); require(guaranteeInterest > 0, "Too low interest"); require( msg.value == loans[index].etherBorrow, "You don't have enough eather to provide guarantee"); require( loans[index]._isLoanExist, "This loan does not exist"); require( !guarantees[index]._isGuaranteeExist, "This guarantee does exist"); Guarantee memory guarantee = Guarantee({guarantor: msg.sender, etherInterest: guaranteeInterest, loanIndex: index, _isWaitingForHandling: true, _isGuaranteeExist: true}); guarantees[index] = guarantee; guaranteesCount++; }
您的功能提供 3provideGuarantee
- 您正在為其創建貸款的相同金額。在您的程式碼中,您檢查金額是否相同 (msg.value == loans[index].etherBorrow
) 則合約會拋出該錯誤:Fail with error 'You don't have enough eather to provide guarantee
正如 LauriPeltonen 所說,失敗的檢查是
msg.value == loans[index].etherBorrow
因為您發送 3wei,然後loans[index].etherBorrow
在 index = 0 時不是 3。查看事務歷史記錄,第一次成功呼叫
是 at
- etherBorrow = 300000000000
- 還款日期 = 31
- 乙太利息 = 5
provideGuarantee(0, 4)
將失敗,除非您發送 300000000000 wei = 300 gwei。我建議在創建負載時始終生成事件,以便查看事件,您可以確定執行期間分配的索引等內容。