

  • August 7, 2022


在這裡,我在購買代幣時遇到了問題。由於我已將價格設置為 1 乙太幣,因此我應該可以用乙太幣購買,但是當我嘗試用乙太幣購買代幣時,它顯示錯誤,但當我用 wei 購買時,它工作正常。我在這裡想念什麼?

contract owned {
  address owner;
      owner = msg.sender;

    modifier own () {
         require(msg.sender == owner , "ONLY OWNER CAN CREATE NEW TOKEN");

contract TokenGeneration is owned{
    mapping(address => uint) public tokenBalance;
    uint tokenPrice = 1 ether;  

    constructor (){
          tokenBalance[msg.sender]= 100;


    function createToken() public own {

    function burnToken() public own {

    function buyToken() public payable {
        require((tokenBalance[owner] * tokenPrice)/msg.value > 0,"NOT ENOUGH TOKEN");
        tokenBalance[owner] -= msg.value;
        tokenBalance[msg.sender] += msg.value;

    function sendToken(address _to, uint amount) public {
        require(tokenBalance[msg.sender] >= amount , "NOT ENOUGH BALANCE");

       tokenBalance[msg.sender] -= amount; 
       tokenBalance[_to] += amount;

問題是您為每個令牌收取 1 wei,而您的 tokenBalance 中只有 100 個令牌。當您嘗試用 1 個乙太幣購買代幣時,您正在嘗試獲取1000000000000000000代幣,但您只有100,因此當您嘗試msg.valuetokenBalance該行中減去 時,它必須失敗:

tokenBalance[owner] -= msg.value;



tokenBalance[msg.sender] = 1e18 * 100;

這樣你就得到了 100 個單位的 1e18 (1000000000000000000 * 100)。您現在可以以 1 wei 出售每個代幣,以 1e18 wei 出售 1e18 代幣,這將是 1 eth x 1e18 代幣。


如果您真的想以 1 個乙太幣出售 1 個代幣,那麼您需要檢查 是否msg.value等於1 ether,如果是,則向該發件人出售 1 個代幣。

我建議你通過 wei 而不是乙太幣出售代幣,因為 wei 比乙太幣更靈活。這也是因為你有一個payable函式並且你正在使用msg.value,如果你用 1 個乙太幣出售 1 個代幣,如果有人給你 3.5 個乙太幣會發生什麼?你會賣 3.5 個代幣嗎?那些令牌被分割?或者你會出售 3 個代幣並將額外的 0.5 個乙太幣留給自己嗎?


contract TokenGeneration is owned{
    mapping(address => uint) public tokenBalance;
    uint public tokenPrice = 1 ether;  

    constructor (){
       tokenBalance[msg.sender] = 100;

    function createToken() public own {

    function burnToken() public own {

    function buyToken() public payable {

        // Let's check how many ethers was sent. The msg.value is in wei, so,
        // dividing it by 1 ether will give us the count of ethers that was actually sent.
        uint countOfEthersToBuy = msg.value / tokenPrice; // or msg.value / 1 ether;

       // Make sure that at least 1 ether was sent, not less.
        require(countOfEthersToBuy > 0, "Not enough ethers was sent");

       // Make sure that whole ethers were sent, not 2.5 ethers, not 5.7 ethers,
       // since we are selling whole tokens, not fractions of tokens.
        uint remainingWei = msg.value % tokenPrice;

        require(remainingWei == 0, "Not whole ethers was sent");

        require(tokenBalance[owner] > countOfEthersToBuy,"NOT ENOUGH TOKEN");
        tokenBalance[owner] -= countOfEthersToBuy;
        tokenBalance[msg.sender] += countOfEthersToBuy;


    function sendToken(address _to, uint amount) public {
        require(tokenBalance[msg.sender] >= amount , "NOT ENOUGH BALANCE");

       tokenBalance[msg.sender] -= amount; 
       tokenBalance[_to] += amount;
