我是一個擁有可靠和智能合約的完整菜鳥。我一直在尋找解決以下問題的腳本。 使用者將乙太幣發送到智能合約,然後智能合約將乙太幣數量轉發到主地址。 所以我發現了這個
pragma solidity ^0.4.18; /** * Contract that will forward any incoming Ether to its creator */ contract Forwarder { // Address to which any funds sent to this contract will be forwarded address public destinationAddress; /** * Create the contract, and set the destination address to that of the creator */ function Forwarder() public { destinationAddress = msg.sender; } /** * Default function; Gets called when Ether is deposited, and forwards it to the destination address */ function() payable public { destinationAddress.transfer(msg.value); } /** * It is possible that funds were sent to this address before the contract was deployed. * We can flush those funds to the destination address. */ function flush() public { destinationAddress.transfer(this.balance); } }
第二個問題:我的主要地址放在哪裡?我的地址是 0x7e0fE0Bd87F84906bc19438fb5F932e189Dd127e 插入後我的程式碼應該是什麼樣子?
我將發送 0.15 ETH 以獲得最佳答案。謝謝你。
它應該可以正常工作。我將其更新為 solc 0.4.21,使其更新,並刪除了,
因為這在某些情況下會導致不必要的歧義。還添加了事件發射器以觀察最佳實踐。刪除了評論以減少視覺噪音。pragma solidity 0.4.21; contract Forwarder { address public destinationAddress; event LogForwarded(address indexed sender, uint amount); event LogFlushed(address indexed sender, uint amount); function Forwarder() public { destinationAddress = msg.sender; } function() payable public { emit LogForwarded(msg.sender, msg.value); destinationAddress.transfer(msg.value); } function flush() public { emit LogFlushed(msg.sender, address(this).balance); destinationAddress.transfer(address(this).balance); } }
function Forwarder() public { destinationAddress = msg.sender; }
此功能僅在您部署合約時執行一次。它將部署 de 合約的人的地址值分配給