Ganache 沒有顯示任何事件
我有一個發出事件的契約方法,但 ganache 似乎沒有捕捉到任何事件。我這樣說是因為當我在 ropsten 上部署我的契約時,事件被很好地捕捉到了,但只有在 ganache 中我才有這個問題。另外我正在使用 web3 js 來監視事件。
pragma solidity ^0.5.0; contract Marketplace { string public name; address owner; uint public fileCount = 0; mapping(uint => File) public files; struct File { uint id; string name; address owner; address sharedWith; } event FileViewed( uint id, string name, address owner, address sharedWith ); constructor() public { name = "File Sharing System"; owner = msg.sender; } function viewFile(uint _id) public { File memory _file = files[_id]; require(msg.sender==_file.sharedWith || msg.sender==owner ,"Not shared with you!!"); emit FileViewed(fileCount,, owner, _file.sharedWith); } }
這是我正在監視事件的 App.js:
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Web3 from 'web3'; import './App.css'; import Navbar from './Navbar'; import Main from './Main'; import Marketplace from '../abis/Marketplace.json'; class App extends Component { //const marketplace async componentWillMount() { await this.loadWeb3() await this.loadBlockChainData() } async loadWeb3() { if(window.ethereum) { window.web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum); await window.ethereum.enable(); } else if (window.web3) { window.web3 = new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider); await window.ethereum.enable(); } else{ window.alert("Non ethereum browser detected!!!!"); } } async loadBlockChainData() { const web3 = window.web3; //load Account const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); this.setState({account: accounts[0]}); const networkId = await; const networkData = Marketplace.networks[networkId]; if(networkData) { const marketplace = web3.eth.Contract(Marketplace.abi, networkData.address); this.setState({marketplace}); const fileCount = await marketplace.methods.fileCount().call(); for(var i=1;i<=fileCount;i++) { const file = await marketplace.methods.files(i).call(); this.setState({ files: [...this.state.files, file] }); } } else { window.alert('Marketplace contract not deployed to detected network.'); } } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { account: '', fileCount: 0, files: [], loading: false }; this.viewFile = this.viewFile.bind(this); } viewFile(id) { this.setState({loading: true}); this.state.marketplace.methods.viewFile(id).send({from: this.state.account}){ fromBlock: 0 }, function(error, event) { if(error) { window.alert("Error: ", error); } else { console.log(event); } }) }
**注意:**我不想使用 ropsten 網路,因為記錄我的交易需要時間。
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