
持有者和最大供應量未在 Ropsten Etherscan 上更新

  • March 30, 2021

我已經為 erc721 代幣創建了合約。該合約繼承了 open-zeppelin ERC721 智能合約。當我在 remix 上部署我的契約時,我可以正確查看供應量,但是 ropsten 上的最大供應量和持有者數量始終為 0。誰能指出是什麼問題。我的程式碼如下:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.6.0 <0.8.0;

import "";
import "";
import "";

contract CryptoGogos is Ownable, ERC721 {
   using Counters for Counters.Counter;
   Counters.Counter private _tokenIds; //Counter is a struct in the Counters library
   uint constant total_supply =7777; //refers to the combined token amounts
   uint public entered_supply;
   string public check_name;
   string internal _tokenURI;
   address _address;
   constructor() ERC721("CryptoGogos", "CGG") public {
       _address = msg.sender;
   //Cards is actually to create a mapping of token id to their tokenURI
   struct Cards{
       string name;
       uint supply; //refers to the total supply of each token 
       string cat;
       uint card_id; //series number in our case
       string description;
       string image_url;
   Cards[] private card;
   mapping(uint =>Cards) public tokeninfo;
   /*tokenURI is the url for metadata in json format.
   bytes32 array is used to receive parsed json data for minting in the following order:
   params[0] = name
   params[1] = supply
   params[2] = category
   params[3] = description
   params[4] = image url
   function drawCard(uint _supply) public {
       "Input supply is not less than total supply of cards.");
       uint newNftTokenId = _tokenIds.current();
       Cards memory c;
       c.card_id = newNftTokenId; = _supply;
       (string memory tu, string memory n, string memory d,string memory ct,string memory i) = getTokenURI(_supply); = n;
       _tokenURI = tu;
       c.description = d; ct;
       c.image_url = i;
       tokeninfo[newNftTokenId] = c;
       _safeMint(_address,newNftTokenId) ;
   //passing supply which is user inputted paramter
   function getTokenURI(uint _supply) internal view returns (string memory ,string memory , string memory , string memory , string memory ){
       string memory t1="This is token URI";
       string memory n1 = "token name";
       string memory d1= "token description";
       string memory _c1="token category";
       string memory _i ="image url";
       return (t1,n1,d1,_c1,_i);
   function _safeMint(address to, uint256 tokenId) internal override onlyOwner  {
       _safeMint(to, tokenId, "");
   function viewCategory(uint _tokenid) public view returns (string memory) {
       return (tokeninfo[_tokenid].cat);
   function viewNumberofCards() public view returns (uint) {
       return _tokenIds.current();
   function viewName(uint _tokenid) public view returns (string memory){
       return (tokeninfo[_tokenid].name);
   function viewDescription(uint _tokenid) public view returns (string memory){
       return (tokeninfo[_tokenid].description);
   function viewImageUrl(uint _tokenid) public view returns (string memory){
       return (tokeninfo[_tokenid].image_url);
   function viewtokenURI() public view returns (string memory){
       return (_tokenURI);
    function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) {
       // _tokenOwners are indexed by tokenIds, so .length() returns the number of tokenIds
       return _tokenIds.current();

這不是您的程式碼的問題,而是 Etherscan 的問題。事實上,由於未知原因,Etherscan 在兩週內不再跟踪 RopstentotalSupply和ERC20 和 ERC721 代幣。holders

您可以在這個 Wrapped Ether ERC20 令牌上看到同樣的問題:https :// 。

在這個 DAI ERC20 令牌上:https ://
