import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/IERC1155Receiver.sol"; contract newToken is ERC1155 { using Counters for Counters.Counter; Counters.Counter private _nftIds; address owner; event minted (string uri); constructor(string memory _uri,address _owner)ERC1155(_uri){ owner=_owner; } modifier onlyOwner{ require(msg.sender==owner); _; } function mint(uint _amount,string memory _uri)public returns(uint){ _nftIds.increment(); uint currentId=_nftIds.current(); _mint(owner,currentId,_amount,""); _setURI(_uri); emit minted(_uri); return currentId; } function transfer(address _to,uint _id, uint _amount)public returns(bool success){ safeTransferFrom( owner, _to, _id, _amount, "" ) ; return true; } } contract createContract { newToken[] contractAddress; mapping(address=>newToken) public contracts; function create(string memory _uri) public { newToken addr=new newToken(_uri,msg.sender); contractAddress.push(addr); contracts[msg.sender]=addr; } function mint(string memory _uri)public returns(newToken) { if (address(contracts[msg.sender])==address(0)){ create(_uri); contracts[msg.sender].mint(1,_uri); return contracts[msg.sender]; } else{ contracts[msg.sender].mint(1,_uri); return contracts[msg.sender]; } } }
我想為 createContract 智能合約中的 create 函式編寫單元測試。
const { assert } = require('chai'); // pass the name of the contract you want to test const createContract = artifacts.require('createContract') require('chai') .use(require('chai-as-promised')) .should() contract('createContract', (accounts) => { let contract_Fandom // accounts of ganache console.log("accounts>>>>>",accounts) // console.log("HIIIIIIIIIIII") before (async ()=> { console.log("Bye--------------") //abi of contracts contract_createContract = await createContract.deployed() // abi of contracts // console.log('ABI....of contractNFT....',contract_Fandom) }) describe('deployment of newToken ', async() => { it('deploys successfully', async()=> { const address = contract_createContract.address console.log("createContract Contract Address -->> ",address) assert.notEqual(address,'') assert.notEqual(address,0x0) assert.notEqual(address,null) assert.notEqual(address,undefined) assert.ok(address) }) }) describe('Mint ', async() => { it('Mint function testing ', async()=>{ const result_createContract = await contract_createContract.create('',{from : accounts[0]}) console.log("---->>>>",result_createContract) }) }) })
我假設您的問題是“我如何與在 ‘createContract.create’ 中創建的已部署的 ’newToken’ 合約進行互動?”。我之前沒有使用過 truffle,所以下面的程式碼是未經測試的。
const newToken = artifacts.require('newToken')
... describe('Mint ', async() => { it('Mint function testing ', async()=>{ await contract_createContract.create('', {from : accounts[0]}) // fetch the newly created address from the public mapping const newTokenAddress = await contract_createContract.contracts(accounts[0]) const contract_newToken = await // run tests... }) })
... event ContractCreated(address newTokenAddress); function create(string memory _uri) public { newToken addr=new newToken(_uri,msg.sender); contractAddress.push(addr); contracts[msg.sender]=addr; emit ContractCreated(address(newToken)); }
... const result = await contract_createContract.create('', {from : accounts[0]}) cont contract_newToken = await[0].args[0])