

  • October 26, 2021

我創建了一個乙太坊 dapp,它有多個可以相互訪問並在彼此內部使用方法的合約。我想創建一個 Javascript 測試來模擬這個 dapp 的案例。也就是說,我的測試將有多個msg.sender地址,我想呼叫多個合約。我的 dapp 要求在一個合約中進行某些狀態更改,然後才能執行另一個合約。這是我要執行的測試程式碼的 MWE:

const Contract1 = artifacts.require("./C1.sol");
const Contract2 = artifacts.require("./C2.sol");

// First contract
// Do these tests first to modify the state of C1
contract("Contract1", async () => {
   await it("First test", () => {
       Contract1.deployed().then(instance => {
           return some_value_after_operations;
       }).then(function (result) {
           assert.equal(result, true);

// Second contract
// Do these tests after the first tests
contract("Contract2", async () => {
   await it("First test", () => {
       Contract2.deployed().then(instance => {
           return some_value_after_operations;
       }).then(function (result) {
           assert.equal(result, true);

第一個測試應該測試第一個合約,第二組測試然後需要測試第二個合約,因為第一個合約包含在第一個測試期間所做的狀態更改。我嘗試了多種方法來嘗試這樣做,但每種方法都會導致"before each" hook:錯誤。我也嘗試過重新安裝松露並使用其他松露版本。



const Contract1 = artifacts.require("./C1.sol");
const Contract2 = artifacts.require("./C2.sol");

contract("Test", accounts => {
   let result;

   // First contract
   // Do these tests first to modify the state of C1
   it("First test", async () => {
       const contract1 = await Contract1.deployed();
       result = await contract1.doSomething({from: accounts[0]);
       assert.equal(result, true);

   // Second contract
   // Do these tests after the first tests and with the result of the first test
   it("Second test", async () => {
       const contract2 = await Contract2.deployed();
       const combinedResult  = await contract2.doSomething(result, {from: accounts[1]);
       assert.equal(combinedResult, true);
