function removeClaim(uint256 _claimId) public returns (bool success) { require(msg.sender == owner || msg.sender == claims[_claimId].issuer); // Emit event and store burned signature before deleting to save gas for copy. IdentityContractLib.Claim storage claim = claims[_claimId]; emit ClaimRemoved(_claimId, claim.topic, claim.scheme, claim.issuer, claim.signature, claim.data, claim.uri); burnedSignatures[claim.signature] = true; // Make sure that this same claim cannot be added again. // Delete entries of helper directories. uint256[] storage array = topics2ClaimIds[claim.topic]; uint32 positionInArray = 0; while(_claimId != array[positionInArray]) { positionInArray++; } for(uint32 i = positionInArray; i < array.length - 1; i++) { array[i] = array[i+1]; } array.length = array.length - 1; // Delete the actual directory entry. claim.topic = 0; claim.scheme = 0; claim.issuer = address(0); claim.signature = ""; claim.data = ""; claim.uri = ""; return true; }
. 但是array.length = array.length - 1;
改成topics2ClaimIds[claim.topic].length = array.length - 1;
不會改變問題。如果我在之前添加一個 return
array.length = array.length - 1;
,該函式將正常執行。但是,如果我在這一行之後添加一個 return (或者根本不讓函式執行到最後),我會收到這個錯誤:Error: Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: invalid opcode
對於動態大小的數組(僅可用於儲存),可以分配此成員來調整數組的大小。訪問目前長度之外的元素不會自動調整數組大小,而是會導致斷言失敗。增加長度會將新的零初始化元素添加到數組中。減少長度會對每個刪除的元素執行隱式 :ref:delete。如果您嘗試調整不在儲存中的非動態數組的大小,則會收到 Value must be an lvalue 錯誤。
( https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.5.3/types.html )
mapping (uint256 => uint256[]) topics2ClaimIds;
順便提一句。我意識到數組對於我開始嘗試做的事情來說是一種糟糕的資料結構。如果 Solidity 有更好的資料結構可用(比如初學者的二進制堆),請告訴我。
順便提一句。我意識到數組對於我開始嘗試做的事情來說是一種糟糕的資料結構。如果 Solidity 有更好的資料結構可用(比如初學者的二進制堆),請告訴我。
Solidity 沒有這樣的內置結構,但可以創建它們。
從數組(集合)中刪除似乎引起了頭痛。查看此技術的描述:https ://medium.com/robhitchens/solidity-crud-part-2-ed8d8b4f74ec
實際回購:https ://github.com/rob-Hitchens/UnorderedKeySet
pragma solidity 0.5.16; import "./HitchensUnorderedKeySet.sol"; contract Claims { using HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib for HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set; struct Claim { uint scheme; address issuer; bytes signature; bytes data; bytes url; } struct Topic { HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set claimIdSet; } HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set topicIdSet; mapping(bytes32 => Topic) topics; // can't be public because the compiler doesn't know who to handle the Set type mapping(bytes32 => Claim) public claims; mapping(bytes32 => bool) public usedSignatureHashes; function newTopic(bytes32 topicId) public { topicIdSet.insert(topicId); } function removeTopic(bytes32 topicId) public { Topic storage t = topics[topicId]; require(t.claimIdSet.count() == 0, "Cannot delete topic with claims. Remove the claims first."); delete topics[topicId]; topicIdSet.remove(topicId); } function newClaim(bytes32 topicId, bytes32 claimId, uint scheme, address issuer, bytes memory signature, bytes memory data, bytes memory url) public { require(topicIdSet.exists(topicId), "Topic ID not found."); require(!usedSignatureHashes[keccak256(signature)], "Claim signature was used before."); usedSignatureHashes[keccak256(signature)] = true; Topic storage t = topics[topicId]; t.claimIdSet.insert(claimId); // this will not allow a duplicate Claim storage c = claims[claimId]; c.scheme = scheme; c.issuer = issuer; c.signature = signature; c.data = data; c.url = url; } function removeClaim(bytes32 topicId, bytes32 claimId) public { Topic storage t = topics[topicId]; t.claimIdSet.remove(claimId); // will revert if claim ID does not exist in topic delete claims[claimId]; } // inspectors function topicClaimCount(bytes32 topicId) public view returns(uint) { return topics[topicId].claimIdSet.count(); } function topicClaimIdAtIndex(bytes32 topicId, uint index) public view returns(bytes32) { return topics[topicId].claimIdSet.keyAtIndex(index); // must exist } // convenience function for Remix function arbitraryKey() public view returns(bytes32 key) { key = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.number)); } }