運算符 == 與類型字元串儲存 ref 和 literal_string 不兼容
有人可以幫助解決所述錯誤,我正在嘗試執行程式碼來檢查字元串變數的狀態。在使用線上 Solidity 編譯器進行編譯時,我在 customcheck 和 portcheck 上遇到兩個錯誤。請看下面的程式碼:
contract tradefin { uint public prodcode; address public seller; address public buyer; uint public price; uint public units; address public port; address public customs; address public delivery; string public portcheck; string public customscheck; string public deliverycheck; string public msg1; function initiate(uint code, address vendor, address applicant, uint amount, uint quantity, address p, address c, address d) { prodcode = code; seller = vendor; buyer = applicant; price = amount; units = quantity; port = p; customs = c; delivery = d; } function review() constant returns (uint retval) { return uint(prodcode); } function finall() constant returns (string retval) { return string(deliverycheck); } function approve() constant returns (string retval) { if (msg.sender == port) { portcheck = "signed"; } if (msg.sender == customs) { if (portcheck == "signed") customscheck = "signed"; else msg1 = "Port yet to sign"; return msg1; } if (msg.sender == delivery) { if (customscheck == "signed") deliverycheck = "signed"; else msg1 = "Custom yet to sign"; return msg1; } } }
與 Java 中一樣,== 運算符不比較兩個字元串的文字。您應該改用StringUtils合約。
if (StringUtils.equal(portcheck,"signed")) {...}
如果您不想載入 StringUtils 契約,我發現也可以簡單地:
keccak256(portcheck) == keccak256("signed")
(很抱歉,如果不贊成使用“已檢查”響應向 Q 添加答案…我只是注意到沒有提到此方法,並認為它可能會有所幫助!)
編輯:剛剛創建了一個快速油耗安全帶,看起來我的懷疑是正確的。keccak256 比較使用的氣體比字元比較少得多。
編輯:最初稱為 sha3,但現在已棄用此函式,取而代之的是 keccak256(sha3 是 keccak256 的別名)