
SC Truffle 測試:返回域對象?

  • December 22, 2018

在 Truffle 中進行一些測試以更加熟悉環境,但遇到了問題。



// Register an item using an identifier type (no., PID, barcode, etc.), the actual identifier/code, and a description
function registerItem(string memory _identifier, string memory _code, string memory _description) public {
   // Make sure the item does not already exists/is not already registered
   // Create an Item struct in memory that stores the item data
   Item memory newItem;
   newItem.identifier = _identifier;
   newItem.code = _code;
   newItem.description = _description;
   // Map hash of item details to true/bring item into existence
   itemExists[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_identifier,_code))] = true;
   // Increment tokenCounter;
   tokenCounter ++;
   // Set unique tokenId using tokenCounter
   uint256 tokenId = tokenCounter;
   // Map the tokenId to the item
   tokenIdtoItem[tokenId] = newItem;
   // Mint the token using ERC721 mint method, which checks if the token is already owned and if not sets it to the new owner;
   //Emit event
   emit ItemRegistered(tokenId, _identifier, _code);

// Get item details by providing a tokenId
function getItemByToken(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (string memory identifier, string memory code, string memory description) {
   Item memory returnItem = tokenIdtoItem[_tokenId];


const assetTracker = artifacts.require("AssetTracker");

contract("AssetTracker contract test", async accounts => {
 it("should register an item", async () => {
   let instance = await assetTracker.deployed();
   await instance.registerItem("Barcode", "13456-fgs", "This is the first dummy item.", { from: accounts[0]});
   assert.equal(instance.getItemByToken(1), ["Barcode", "13456-fgs", "This is the first dummy item."]);
   // assert.equal(instance.ownerOf(1), accounts[0], "token is not owned by any or the correct user");


在 ganache 客戶端上的 Truffle 控制台中進行測試時得到的結果:

Contract: AssetTracker contract test
   1) should register an item

   Events emitted during test:

   Transfer(_from: <indexed>, _to: <indexed>, _tokenId: <indexed>)
   ItemRegistered(_tokenId: <indexed>, _identifier: <indexed>, _code: <indexed>)


 0 passing (237ms)
 1 failing

 1) Contract: AssetTracker contract test
      should register an item:
    AssertionError: expected { domain:
  { domain: null,
     { removeListener: [Function: updateExceptionCapture],
       newListener: [Function: updateExceptionCapture],
       error: [Function: debugDomainError] },
    _eventsCount: 3,
    _maxListeners: undefined,
    members: [],
    _errorHandler: [Function],
    enter: [Function],
    exit: [Function],
    add: [Function],
    remove: [Function],
    run: [Function],
    intercept: [Function],
    bind: [Function],
    setMaxListeners: [Function: setMaxListeners],
    getMaxListeners: [Function: getMaxListeners],
    emit: [Function],
    addListener: [Function: addListener],
    on: [Function: addListener],
    prependListener: [Function: prependListener],
    once: [Function: once],
    prependOnceListener: [Function: prependOnceListener],
    removeListener: [Function: removeListener],
    off: [Function: removeListener],
    removeAllListeners: [Function: removeAllListeners],
    listeners: [Function: listeners],
    rawListeners: [Function: rawListeners],
    listenerCount: [Function: listenerCount],
    eventNames: [Function: eventNames] } } to equal [ Array(3) ]
     at (test\assettracker.js:7:12)
     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)




您應該使用 await 呼叫合約方法,如下所示。

const assetTracker = artifacts.require("AssetTracker");

contract("AssetTracker contract test", async accounts => {
 it("should register an item", async () => {
   let instance = await assetTracker.deployed();
   await instance.registerItem("Barcode", "13456-fgs", "This is the first dummy item.", { from: accounts[0]});
   assert.equal(await instance.getItemByToken(1), ["Barcode", "13456-fgs", "This is the first dummy item."]);
   // assert.equal(instance.ownerOf(1), accounts[0], "token is not owned by any or the correct user");


您還應該考慮使用 beforeEach 方法來重建實例,而不保留跨各種測試方法的狀態。

let instance;
beforeEach('setup contract instance for each test case execution', async () => {
   instance = await;


it("should register an item", async () => {
   await instance.registerItem("Barcode", "13456-fgs", "This is the first dummy item.", { from: accounts[0]});
   assert.equal(await instance.getItemByToken(1), ["Barcode", "13456-fgs", "This is the first dummy item."]);
   // assert.equal(instance.ownerOf(1), accounts[0], "token is not owned by any or the correct user");

