
在完成整個循環之前,在數組中搜尋較低的值會返回“Out of GAS”

  • September 6, 2022


問題是當Acounts數組有大約 500 條記錄時(只是。恐怕因為可能有數百萬條),事務被塊還原out of GAS



struct StructAccount { 
 uint256 Index; 
 address Wallet; 
 uint256 Balance; 
 uint256 Time; 
 uint256 RegDate;
 uint256 LastDate;

StructAccount[] public Accounts;

function getLowerLastDate() public view returns (uint, address) {
 uint    lowerDate = block.timestamp;
 uint    Key = 0;
 for (uint i = 0; i < Accounts.length; i++) {
   if(Accounts[i].LastDate != 0){
       if( Accounts[i].LastDate <= lowerDate ){
           lowerDate = Accounts[i].LastDate;
           Key = i;
 Accounts[Key].LastDate = 0; //reset and search the next lower LastDate
 return (lowerDate, Accounts[Key].Wallet) ;

我不確定你是如何創建每個StructAccount的,但你可以創建一個名為 的新全域變數lowestLastDate,並且每次創建一個StructAccount時,將它與 的值進行比較lowestLastDate,如果它較低,則將其設為 的新值lowestLastDate

每當您想要訪問較低 LastDate 的值時,您都可以從變數中獲得它。這使您可以在 O(1) 時間內訪問最低的遲到日期,但將花費更多的氣體來初始化每個StructAccount



檢查常見操作碼(如SLOAD, SSTORE, MLOAD, )的 gas 成本MSTORE


contract Contract {
   struct StructAccount { 
       uint256 Index; 
       address Wallet; 
       uint256 Balance; 
       uint256 Time; 
       uint256 RegDate;
       uint256 LastDate;

   StructAccount[] public Accounts;

   function getLowerLastDate() public returns (uint, address) {
       StructAccount[] memory accountsCopy = Accounts;
       uint lowerDate = block.timestamp;
       uint Key = 0;
       for (uint i = 0; i < accountsCopy.length; i++) {
           if(accountsCopy[i].LastDate != 0){
               if( accountsCopy[i].LastDate <= lowerDate ){
                   lowerDate = accountsCopy[i].LastDate;
                   Key = i;

       // We can leave this line as is, since we need to update the state Accounts array at least once here.
       Accounts[Key].LastDate = 0; //reset and search the next lower LastDate
       return (lowerDate, accountsCopy[Key].Wallet);



contract Contract {

   uint256[] public numbers;

   uint256 public counter;

   function addNumber() public {

   function doOperation() public {

       uint256[] memory counterCopy = numbers;

       for(uint256 i = 0; i < counterCopy.length; i++) {
           counterCopy[i] = counterCopy[i] * 2;

       numbers = counterCopy; // This is valid.






以功能為例addStructAccount(我不知道這是否是您添加帳戶的方式,但這只是您可以做的一個範例)。請注意,我一直在檢查新帳戶是否具有較低的 LastDate,如果是,我將structWithLowestLastDate狀態變數替換為它。我們也可以在更新任何帳戶時執行此操作。

contract Contract {

   struct StructAccount { 
       uint256 Index; 
       address Wallet; 
       uint256 Balance; 
       uint256 Time; 
       uint256 RegDate;
       uint256 LastDate;

   StructAccount public structWithLowestLastDate;

   StructAccount[] public Accounts;

   function addStructAccount(uint256 index, address wallet, uint256 balance, uint256 time, uint256 regDate, uint256 lastDate) public {

       StructAccount memory account = StructAccount(index, wallet, balance, time, regDate, lastDate);

       // Keeping the account with the lowest LastData in a storage variable of its own, this way we don't need to look for it in the array
       if(lastDate < structWithLowestLastDate.LastDate) {
           structWithLowestLastDate = account;

       // Adding the account to the storage array as usual. 


   function getLowerLastDate() public returns (uint, address) {
       StructAccount[] memory accountsCopy = Accounts;
       uint lowerDate = block.timestamp;
       uint Key = 0;
       for (uint i = 0; i < accountsCopy.length; i++) {
           if(accountsCopy[i].LastDate != 0){
               if( accountsCopy[i].LastDate <= lowerDate ){
                   lowerDate = accountsCopy[i].LastDate;
                   Key = i;

       // We can leave this line as is, since we need to update the state Accounts array at least once here.
       Accounts[Key].LastDate = 0; //reset and search the next lower LastDate
       return (lowerDate, accountsCopy[Key].Wallet);

也許這種方法對您也不起作用,因為我看到當getLowerLastDate()您重置它時,如果您再次呼叫它,您期望找到具有最低 LastDate 的下一個帳戶。

為此,您可能希望實現 a minHeap,因此您始終將較低的 LastDate 帳戶作為第一個元素,並且您可以peek()在恆定時間內或及時使用pop()O(log n)

如果你要在智能合約中有這麼多記錄,也許你可以考慮將這些數據移動到正常後端/數據庫,如果它不需要去中心化等,或者移動到 IPFS。


我將嘗試minHeap在 Solidity 中實現一個,看看它是如何工作的……

好吧,我在這裡找到了一個最大堆實現:https ://

