

  • November 17, 2021


TypeError: "send" and "transfer" are only available for objects of type "address payable", not "address".


address payable owner = owner();


TypeError: Type address is not implicitly convertible to expected type address payable.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.2;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

contract SALESTOKEN is Ownable {
 using SafeMath for uint256;
 IERC20 token;

 uint256 private RATE = 3000; // Number of tokens per Ether
 uint256 private CAP = 5350; // Cap in Ether
 uint256 private START = 1519862400; // Mar 26, 2018 @ 12:00 EST
 uint256 private DAYS = 45; // 45 Day
 uint256 public initialTokens; // Initial number of tokens available
 bool public initialized = false;
 uint256 public raisedAmount = 0;

  * BoughtTokens
  * @dev Log tokens bought onto the blockchain
 event BoughtTokens(address indexed to, uint256 value);

  * buyTokens
  * @dev function that sells available tokens
 function buyTokens() public payable whenSaleIsActive {
   uint256 weiAmount = msg.value; // Calculate tokens to sell
   uint256 tokens = weiAmount.mul(RATE);
   address owner = owner();

   emit BoughtTokens(msg.sender, tokens); // log event onto the blockchain
   raisedAmount = raisedAmount.add(msg.value); // Increment raised amount
   token.transfer(msg.sender, tokens); // Send tokens to buyer
   owner.transfer(msg.value);// Send money to owner

  * whenSaleIsActive
  * @dev ensures that the contract is still active
 modifier whenSaleIsActive() {
   // Check if sale is active

 function isActive() public view returns (bool) {
   return (
       initialized == true &&
       block.timestamp >= START && // Must be after the START date
       block.timestamp <= START.add(DAYS * 1 days) && // Must be before the end date
       goalReached() == false // Goal must not already be reached

  * goalReached
  * @dev Function to determin is goal has been reached
 function goalReached() public view returns (bool) {
   return (raisedAmount >= CAP * 1 ether);

 function setRate(uint _rate) public onlyOwner{
   RATE = _rate;

 function setCap(uint _cap) public onlyOwner{
   CAP = _cap;

 function setStart(uint _start) public onlyOwner{
   START = _start;

 function setDays(uint _days) public onlyOwner{
   DAYS = _days;

 function setAddrERC20(address _tokenAddr) public onlyOwner{
   require(_tokenAddr != address(0));
   token = IERC20(_tokenAddr);

owner() 返回一個地址,而不是一個應付地址,你仍然需要轉換它:

address payable owner = payable(owner());


// convert from address to payable address
address payable payable_addr = payable(addr);
// or 
address payable payable_addr = address(uint160(addr));

// convert from payable address to address
address addr = address(payable_addr);
