
Solidity 錯誤:錯誤:所需氣體超過限制:30000

  • February 1, 2018

我是新來的,並試圖學習它。我正在查看一些契約原始碼並嘗試在測試網中執行它們。我找到了以下契約並使用 remix ide 在 ropsnet 中對其進行了測試,但是當我嘗試初始化銷售時出現錯誤: 我遵循的步驟:1.創建 Ven 契約 2. 創建 Ven 銷售契約 3. 嘗試使用參數進行初始化 - (Ven合約的合約地址,ethaddress,ethaddress)

我在步驟上得到了超過氣體限制的錯誤。第 1 步和第 2 步工作正常。我是在做正確的事情還是遵循正確的步驟?


pragma solidity ^0.4.11;

contract Owned {

   address public owner;

   function Owned() {
       owner = msg.sender;

   modifier onlyOwner() {
       require(msg.sender == owner);

   function setOwner(address _newOwner) onlyOwner {
       owner = _newOwner;

* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
 function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
   uint256 c = a * b;
   assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
   return c;

 function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
   // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
   uint256 c = a / b;
   // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
   return c;

 function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
   assert(b <= a);
   return a - b;

 function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
   uint256 c = a + b;
   assert(c >= a);
   return c;

 function toUINT112(uint256 a) internal constant returns(uint112) {
   assert(uint112(a) == a);
   return uint112(a);

 function toUINT120(uint256 a) internal constant returns(uint120) {
   assert(uint120(a) == a);
   return uint120(a);

 function toUINT128(uint256 a) internal constant returns(uint128) {
   assert(uint128(a) == a);
   return uint128(a);

// Abstract contract for the full ERC 20 Token standard

contract Token {
   /* This is a slight change to the ERC20 base standard.
   function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply);
   is replaced with:
   uint256 public totalSupply;
   This automatically creates a getter function for the totalSupply.
   This is moved to the base contract since public getter functions are not
   currently recognised as an implementation of the matching abstract
   function by the compiler.
   /// total amount of tokens
   //uint256 public totalSupply;
   function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply);

   /// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved
   /// @return The balance
   function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance);

   /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender`
   /// @param _to The address of the recipient
   /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
   /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
   function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);

   /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from`
   /// @param _from The address of the sender
   /// @param _to The address of the recipient
   /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
   /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
   function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);

   /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_addr` to spend `_value` tokens
   /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
   /// @param _value The amount of wei to be approved for transfer
   /// @return Whether the approval was successful or not
   function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);

   /// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens
   /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
   /// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent
   function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining);

   event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
   event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);

/// VEN token, ERC20 compliant
contract VEN is Token, Owned {
   using SafeMath for uint256;

   string public constant name    = "VeChain Token";  //The Token's name
   uint8 public constant decimals = 18;               //Number of decimals of the smallest unit
   string public constant symbol  = "VEN";            //An identifier    

   // packed to 256bit to save gas usage.
   struct Supplies {
       // uint128's max value is about 3e38.
       // it's enough to present amount of tokens
       uint128 total;
       uint128 rawTokens;

   Supplies supplies;

   // Packed to 256bit to save gas usage.    
   struct Account {
       // uint112's max value is about 5e33.
       // it's enough to present amount of tokens
       uint112 balance;

       // raw token can be transformed into balance with bonus        
       uint112 rawTokens;

       // safe to store timestamp
       uint32 lastMintedTimestamp;

   // Balances for each account
   mapping(address => Account) accounts;

   // Owner of account approves the transfer of an amount to another account
   mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) allowed;

   // bonus that can be shared by raw tokens
   uint256 bonusOffered;

   // Constructor
   function VEN() {

   function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply){

   // Send back ether sent to me
   function () {

   // If sealed, transfer is enabled and mint is disabled
   function isSealed() constant returns (bool) {
       return owner == 0;

   function lastMintedTimestamp(address _owner) constant returns(uint32) {
       return accounts[_owner].lastMintedTimestamp;

   // Claim bonus by raw tokens
   function claimBonus(address _owner) internal{      
       if (accounts[_owner].rawTokens != 0) {
           uint256 realBalance = balanceOf(_owner);
           uint256 bonus = realBalance

           accounts[_owner].balance = realBalance.toUINT112();
           accounts[_owner].rawTokens = 0;
           if(bonus > 0){
               Transfer(this, _owner, bonus);

   // What is the balance of a particular account?
   function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {
       if (accounts[_owner].rawTokens == 0)
           return accounts[_owner].balance;

       if (bonusOffered > 0) {
           uint256 bonus = bonusOffered

           return bonus.add(accounts[_owner].balance)

       return uint256(accounts[_owner].balance)

   // Transfer the balance from owner's account to another account
   function transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) returns (bool success) {

       // implicitly claim bonus for both sender and receiver

       // according to VEN's total supply, never overflow here
       if (accounts[msg.sender].balance >= _amount
           && _amount > 0) {            
           accounts[msg.sender].balance -= uint112(_amount);
           accounts[_to].balance = _amount.add(accounts[_to].balance).toUINT112();
           Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _amount);
           return true;
       } else {
           return false;

   // Send _value amount of tokens from address _from to address _to
   // The transferFrom method is used for a withdraw workflow, allowing contracts to send
   // tokens on your behalf, for example to "deposit" to a contract address and/or to charge
   // fees in sub-currencies; the command should fail unless the _from account has
   // deliberately authorized the sender of the message via some mechanism; we propose
   // these standardized APIs for approval:
   function transferFrom(
       address _from,
       address _to,
       uint256 _amount
   ) returns (bool success) {

       // implicitly claim bonus for both sender and receiver

       // according to VEN's total supply, never overflow here
       if (accounts[_from].balance >= _amount
           && allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _amount
           && _amount > 0) {
           accounts[_from].balance -= uint112(_amount);
           allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _amount;
           accounts[_to].balance = _amount.add(accounts[_to].balance).toUINT112();
           Transfer(_from, _to, _amount);
           return true;
       } else {
           return false;

   // Allow _spender to withdraw from your account, multiple times, up to the _value amount.
   // If this function is called again it overwrites the current allowance with _value.
   function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) returns (bool success) {
       allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _amount;
       Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _amount);
       return true;

   /* Approves and then calls the receiving contract */
   function approveAndCall(address _spender, uint256 _value, bytes _extraData) returns (bool success) {
       allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
       Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);

       //call the receiveApproval function on the contract you want to be notified. This crafts the function signature manually so one doesn't have to include a contract in here just for this.
       //receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _tokenContract, bytes _extraData)
       //it is assumed that when does this that the call *should* succeed, otherwise one would use vanilla approve instead.
       //if(!"receiveApproval(address,uint256,address,bytes)"))), msg.sender, _value, this, _extraData)) { revert(); }
       ApprovalReceiver(_spender).receiveApproval(msg.sender, _value, this, _extraData);
       return true;

   function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {
       return allowed[_owner][_spender];

   // Mint tokens and assign to some one
   function mint(address _owner, uint256 _amount, bool _isRaw, uint32 timestamp) onlyOwner{
       if (_isRaw) {
           accounts[_owner].rawTokens = _amount.add(accounts[_owner].rawTokens).toUINT112();
           supplies.rawTokens = _amount.add(supplies.rawTokens).toUINT128();
       } else {
           accounts[_owner].balance = _amount.add(accounts[_owner].balance).toUINT112();

       accounts[_owner].lastMintedTimestamp = timestamp; = _amount.add(;
       Transfer(0, _owner, _amount);

   // Offer bonus to raw tokens holder
   function offerBonus(uint256 _bonus) onlyOwner { 
       bonusOffered = bonusOffered.add(_bonus); = _bonus.add(;
       Transfer(0, this, _bonus);

   // Set owner to zero address, to disable mint, and enable token transfer
   function seal() onlyOwner {

contract ApprovalReceiver {
   function receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _tokenContract, bytes _extraData);

// Contract to sell and distribute VEN tokens
contract VENSale is Owned{

   /// chart of stage transition 
   /// deploy   initialize      startTime                            endTime                 finalize
   ///                              | <-earlyStageLasts-> |             | <- closedStageLasts -> |
   ///  O-----------O---------------O---------------------O-------------O------------------------O------------>
   ///     Created     Initialized           Early             Normal             Closed            Finalized
   enum Stage {

   using SafeMath for uint256;

   uint256 public constant totalSupply         = (10 ** 9) * (10 ** 18); // 1 billion VEN, decimals set to 18

   uint256 constant privateSupply              = totalSupply * 9 / 100;  // 9% for private ICO
   uint256 constant commercialPlan             = totalSupply * 23 / 100; // 23% for commercial plan
   uint256 constant reservedForTeam            = totalSupply * 5 / 100;  // 5% for team
   uint256 constant reservedForOperations      = totalSupply * 22 / 100; // 22 for operations

   // 59%
   uint256 public constant nonPublicSupply     = privateSupply + commercialPlan + reservedForTeam + reservedForOperations;
   // 41%
   uint256 public constant publicSupply = totalSupply - nonPublicSupply;

   uint256 public constant officialLimit = 64371825 * (10 ** 18);
   uint256 public constant channelsLimit = publicSupply - officialLimit;

   // packed to 256bit
   struct SoldOut {
       uint16 placeholder; // placeholder to make struct pre-alloced

       // amount of tokens officially sold out.
       // max value of 120bit is about 1e36, it's enough for token amount
       uint120 official; 

       uint120 channels; // amount of tokens sold out via channels

   SoldOut soldOut;

   uint256 constant venPerEth = 3500;  // normal exchange rate
   uint256 constant venPerEthEarlyStage = venPerEth + venPerEth * 15 / 100;  // early stage has 15% reward

   uint constant minBuyInterval = 30 minutes; // each account can buy once in 30 minutes
   uint constant maxBuyEthAmount = 30 ether;

   VEN ven; // VEN token contract follows ERC20 standard

   address ethVault; // the account to keep received ether
   address venVault; // the account to keep non-public offered VEN tokens

   uint public constant startTime = 1503057600; // time to start sale
   uint public constant endTime = 1504180800;   // tiem to close sale
   uint public constant earlyStageLasts = 3 days; // early bird stage lasts in seconds

   bool initialized;
   bool finalized;

   function VENSale() {
       soldOut.placeholder = 1;

   /// @notice calculte exchange rate according to current stage
   /// @return exchange rate. zero if not in sale.
   function exchangeRate() constant returns (uint256){
       if (stage() == Stage.Early) {
           return venPerEthEarlyStage;
       if (stage() == Stage.Normal) {
           return venPerEth;
       return 0;

   /// @notice for test purpose
   function blockTime() constant returns (uint32) {
       return uint32(block.timestamp);

   /// @notice estimate stage
   /// @return current stage
   function stage() constant returns (Stage) { 
       if (finalized) {
           return Stage.Finalized;

       if (!initialized) {
           // deployed but not initialized
           return Stage.Created;

       if (blockTime() < startTime) {
           // not started yet
           return Stage.Initialized;

       if (uint256(soldOut.official).add(soldOut.channels) >= publicSupply) {
           // all sold out
           return Stage.Closed;

       if (blockTime() < endTime) {
           // in sale            
           if (blockTime() < startTime.add(earlyStageLasts)) {
               // early bird stage
               return Stage.Early;
           // normal stage
           return Stage.Normal;

       // closed
       return Stage.Closed;

   function isContract(address _addr) constant internal returns(bool) {
       uint size;
       if (_addr == 0) return false;
       assembly {
           size := extcodesize(_addr)
       return size > 0;

   /// @notice entry to buy tokens
   function () payable {        

   /// @notice entry to buy tokens
   function buy() payable {
       // reject contract buyer to avoid breaking interval limit
       require(msg.value >= 0.01 ether);

       uint256 rate = exchangeRate();
       // here don't need to check stage. rate is only valid when in sale
       require(rate > 0);
       // each account is allowed once in minBuyInterval
       require(blockTime() >= ven.lastMintedTimestamp(msg.sender) + minBuyInterval);

       uint256 requested;
       // and limited to maxBuyEthAmount
       if (msg.value > maxBuyEthAmount) {
           requested = maxBuyEthAmount.mul(rate);
       } else {
           requested = msg.value.mul(rate);

       uint256 remained = officialLimit.sub(soldOut.official);
       if (requested > remained) {
           //exceed remained
           requested = remained;

       uint256 ethCost = requested.div(rate);
       if (requested > 0) {
 , requested, true, blockTime());
           // transfer ETH to vault

           soldOut.official = requested.add(soldOut.official).toUINT120();
           onSold(msg.sender, requested, ethCost);        

       uint256 toReturn = msg.value.sub(ethCost);
       if(toReturn > 0) {
           // return over payed ETH

   /// @notice returns tokens sold officially
   function officialSold() constant returns (uint256) {
       return soldOut.official;

   /// @notice returns tokens sold via channels
   function channelsSold() constant returns (uint256) {
       return soldOut.channels;

   /// @notice manually offer tokens to channel
   function offerToChannel(address _channelAccount, uint256 _venAmount) onlyOwner {
       Stage stg = stage();
       // since the settlement may be delayed, so it's allowed in closed stage
       require(stg == Stage.Early || stg == Stage.Normal || stg == Stage.Closed);

       soldOut.channels = _venAmount.add(soldOut.channels).toUINT120();

       //should not exceed limit
       require(soldOut.channels <= channelsLimit);
           true,  // unsold tokens can be claimed by channels portion

       onSold(_channelAccount, _venAmount, 0);

   /// @notice initialize to prepare for sale
   /// @param _ven The address VEN token contract following ERC20 standard
   /// @param _ethVault The place to store received ETH
   /// @param _venVault The place to store non-publicly supplied VEN tokens
   function initialize(
       VEN _ven,
       address _ethVault,
       address _venVault) onlyOwner {
       require(stage() == Stage.Created);

       // ownership of token contract should already be this
       require(_ven.owner() == address(this));

       require(address(_ethVault) != 0);
       require(address(_venVault) != 0);      

       ven = _ven;

       ethVault = _ethVault;
       venVault = _venVault;   
           false, // team and operations reserved portion can't share unsold tokens
           true, // private ICO and commercial plan can share unsold tokens

       initialized = true;

   /// @notice finalize
   function finalize() onlyOwner {
       // only after closed stage
       require(stage() == Stage.Closed);       

       uint256 unsold = publicSupply.sub(soldOut.official).sub(soldOut.channels);

       if (unsold > 0) {
           // unsold VEN as bonus

       finalized = true;

   event onInitialized();
   event onFinalized();

   event onSold(address indexed buyer, uint256 venAmount, uint256 ethCost);

顯示的錯誤意味著需要完成的計算比 30000 Gas 更昂貴。您可以在頁面右側面板的 Remix IDE 中調整/增加 Gas Limit 參數。



在特定元素上使用“添加”。我不是 Solidity 專家,但我認為正確的做法如下:




我在Remix中嘗試了您的程式碼。我對氣體限制沒有任何問題(3000000 很好)。按照上述步驟,我遇到了權限問題。它來自第 547 行

require(_ven.owner() == address(this));



  1. 創建VEN契約
  2. 創建VENSale契約
  3. 設置VENSale合約為合約所有者VEN(帶setOwner函式)
  4. 使用參數呼叫initialize函式(VEN合約地址、ethaddress、ethaddress)
