offer.subscribeOffer.sendTransaction(0,{from:eth.accounts[0], to:0x2333a7124d57795757239f0f86990ca9f429e032, value: 2,gas:4000000})
pragma solidity ^0.4.9; contract Offer { address public owner; struct Offer { string title; string description; uint offerTime; mapping (address => uint) subscribers; mapping (uint => address) subscribersAddress; mapping (uint => uint) nbrSubscribersPerID; uint price; } Offer[] public offers; // add offer function addOffer(string description1, string title1, uint price1,uint offerTime1) returns (uint, string, string, uint, uint) { uint offerID = offers.length++; Offer o = offres[offreID]; o.description = description1; o.offerTime=offerTime1; o.title = title1; o.price = price1; return (offerID, offers[offerID].description, offers[offerID].title, offers[offerID].price, offers[offerID].offerTime); } //return the number of offers function returnNbroffer() constant returns(uint) { uint nbr_offer =offers.length; return(nbr_offer); } function subscribeOffer(uint offerID) public payable returns(address,uint,address) { Offer o = offers[offerID]; uint i=0; uint count=0; if (msg.value>= o.price) { address addre=msg.sender; offres[offerID].subscribersAddress[count=++i]=msg.sender; offres[offerID].subscribers[msg.sender]=now; return(addre,offers[offerID].subscribers[msg.sender],offers[offerID].subscribersAddress[i]); } offers[offerID].nbreSubscribersParID[offerID]=count; } function expirationOffer(uint offerID) constant returns(bool,uint,uint) { Offer o = offers[offerID]; bool expire=false; uint timenow=now; uint timeSpent=offres[offerID].subscribers[msg.sender]+o.offerTime ; if (timenow > timeSpent ) {expire=true;} return(expire,timenow,timeSpent); } }
pragma solidity ^0.4.9; contract Offer { address public owner; struct Offer { string title; string description; uint offerTime; mapping (address => uint) subscribers; mapping (uint => address) subscribersAddress; mapping (uint => uint) nbrSubscribersPerID; uint price; } Offer[] public offers; // add offer function addOffer(string description1, string title1, uint price1,uint offerTime1) returns (uint, string, string, uint, uint) { uint offerID = offers.length++; Offer o = offers[offerID]; o.description = description1; o.offerTime=offerTime1; o.title = title1; o.price = price1; return (offerID, offers[offerID].description, offers[offerID].title, offers[offerID].price, offers[offerID].offerTime); } //return the number of offers function returnNbroffer() constant returns(uint) { uint nbr_offer =offers.length; return(nbr_offer); } function subscribeOffer(uint offerID) public payable returns(address,uint,address) { Offer o = offers[offerID]; uint i=0; uint count=0; if (msg.value>= o.price) { address addre=msg.sender; offers[offerID].subscribersAddress[count=++i]=msg.sender; offers[offerID].subscribers[msg.sender]=now; return(addre,offers[offerID].subscribers[msg.sender],offers[offerID].subscribersAddress[i]); } offers[offerID].nbrSubscribersPerID[offerID]=count; } function expirationOffer(uint offerID) constant returns(bool,uint,uint) { Offer o = offers[offerID]; bool expire=false; uint timenow=now; uint timeSpent=offers[offerID].subscribers[msg.sender]+o.offerTime ; if (timenow > timeSpent ) {expire=true;} return(expire,timenow,timeSpent); } }
我認為你得到 ao 是因為你沒有向你的合約發送太多乙太幣,因為在你的函式中
你設置了一個條件,如果(msg.value>= o.price)
這樣,你的交易應該持有比報價更多的乙太幣,否則你得到 0。我試過使用solidity瀏覽器和它工作正常。