TypeError:market.FileViewed 在嘗試觀看事件時不是函式
我想觀看 fileViewed 事件,它會
TypeError: market.FileViewed is not a function
拋出marketplace.FileViewed{ ^
pragma solidity ^0.5.0; contract Marketplace { string public name; address owner; uint public fileCount = 0; mapping(uint => File) public files; struct File { uint id; string name; address owner; address sharedWith; } mapping(uint => Product) public products; struct Product { uint id; string name; address owner; address sharedWith; } event ProductCreated( uint id, string name, address owner, address sharedWith ); event FileViewed( uint id, string name, address owner, address sharedWith ); constructor() public { name = "File Sharing System"; owner = msg.sender; } modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner==msg.sender); _; } function addFile(string memory _name, address _address) onlyOwner public { fileCount++; products[fileCount] = Product(fileCount,_name,owner,_address); emit ProductCreated(fileCount, _name, owner, _address); } function viewFile(uint _id) public view { Product memory _file = products[_id]; require(msg.sender==_file.sharedWith,"Not shared with you!!"); emit FileViewed(fileCount, _name, owner, _address); } }
marketplace.FileViewed( function(){ if(this.state.account!=results.args.sharedWith) { window.alert("File not shared with you") } else { window.alert("File viewed") } }) viewFile(id) { this.setState({loading: true}) this.state.marketplace.methods.viewFile(id).send({from: this.state.account }) .once('receipt', (receipt) => { this.setState({loading: false}) }) }
如果您使用的是 web3 v1.2,則這是一個事件,您必須像這樣使用{ fromBlock: 0 }, function (error, event) { if (error) { console.log("Error: ", error); } else { console.log("File viewed: ", event); } })
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