我編寫了一個智能合約,該合約應該從 2 個地址,一個下注創建者和一個下注接受者那裡下注。賭注是 ETH/USD 的價格(通過 ChainLink)。
什麼是智能合約不斷聽取 ETH/USD 價格的最佳方式,以便每當價格達到賭注的一方或另一方時,合約就會
自動?pragma solidity ^0.8.4; import ""; contract Bet { //bet status uint constant STATUS_WIN = 1; uint constant STATUS_LOSE = 2; uint constant STATUS_TIE = 3; uint constant STATUS_PENDING = 4; //game status uint constant STATUS_NOT_STARTED = 1; uint constant STATUS_STARTED = 2; uint constant STATUS_COMPLETE = 3; //general status uint constant STATUS_ERROR = 4; //the betting structure struct DoubleBet { uint guess; address addr; uint status; } //the 'game' structure struct Game { uint256 betAmount; uint outcome; uint status; DoubleBet creator; DoubleBet taker; } Game game; receive() external payable { } address payable owner; AggregatorV3Interface internal priceFeed; /** * Network: Kovan * Aggregator: ETH/USD * Address: 0x9326BFA02ADD2366b30bacB125260Af641031331 */ constructor() public { priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(0x9326BFA02ADD2366b30bacB125260Af641031331); } function createBet(uint _guess) public payable { game = Game(msg.value, 0, STATUS_STARTED, DoubleBet(_guess, msg.sender, STATUS_PENDING), DoubleBet(0, msg.sender, STATUS_NOT_STARTED)); game.creator = DoubleBet(_guess, msg.sender, STATUS_PENDING); } function takeBet(uint _guess) public payable { //requires the taker to make the same bet amount require(msg.value == game.betAmount); game.taker = DoubleBet(_guess, msg.sender, STATUS_PENDING); generateBetOutcome(); } function generateBetOutcome() private { game.outcome = uint(getThePrice()); game.status = STATUS_COMPLETE; if (game.creator.guess == game.taker.guess) { game.creator.status = STATUS_TIE; game.taker.status = STATUS_TIE; } else if (game.creator.guess > game.outcome && game.taker.guess > game.outcome) { game.creator.status = STATUS_TIE; game.taker.status = STATUS_TIE; } else { if ((game.outcome - game.creator.guess) < (game.outcome - game.taker.guess)) { game.creator.status = STATUS_WIN; game.taker.status = STATUS_LOSE; } else if ((game.outcome - game.taker.guess) < (game.outcome - game.creator.guess)) { game.creator.status = STATUS_LOSE; game.taker.status = STATUS_WIN; } else { game.creator.status = STATUS_ERROR; game.taker.status = STATUS_ERROR; game.status = STATUS_ERROR; } } } //returns - [<description>, 'originator', <originator status>, 'taker', <taker status>] function getBetOutcome() public view returns (string memory description, string memory originatorKey, uint originatorStatus, string memory takerKey, uint takerStatus) { if (game.creator.status == STATUS_TIE || game.taker.status == STATUS_TIE) { description = "Both bets were the same or were over the number, the pot will be split"; } else { if (game.creator.status == STATUS_WIN) { description = "Bet originator guess was closer to the number and will receive the pot"; } else if (game.taker.status == STATUS_WIN) { description = "Bet taker guess was closer to the number and will receive the pot"; } else { description = "Unknown Bet Outcome"; } } originatorKey = "creator"; originatorStatus = game.creator.status; takerKey = "taker"; takerStatus = game.taker.status; } /** * Returns the latest price */ function getThePrice() public view returns (int) { ( uint80 roundID, int price, uint startedAt, uint timeStamp, uint80 answeredInRound ) = priceFeed.latestRoundData(); return price; } modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } function getBalance() public view returns (uint balance) { return address(this).balance; } }
智能合約不能自動觸發自己,它們需要區塊鏈外部的東西來創建交易。使用 Chainlink,您有 2 個選項:
- 在 Chainlink 節點上創建一個作業,該作業使用cron 啟動器定期呼叫智能合約中的函式來檢查 ETH/USD 的價格,並在需要時採取行動。您可以安排它每天/每小時等執行
- Chainlinks 即將推出的Keeper Network是完成此類任務的理想人選。請注意,這仍處於測試階段,尚未在主網上正式啟動