我正在嘗試在 remix ide 中執行我的智能合約,下面是我的智能合約程式碼:
pragma solidity >=0.4.17 <0.7.0; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract Department{ struct Employee{ uint empId; string empName; uint256 empSalary; } uint departmentId; string departmentName; mapping (uint => Employee) public employees; uint public employeeCount; constructor(uint _departmentId, string memory _departmentName) public { employeeCount = 0; departmentId = _departmentId; departmentName = _departmentName; } function addEmployee(uint _empId, string memory _empName, uint _empSalary ) public { employees[employeeCount] = Employee(_empId, _empName, _empSalary); employeeCount++; } //return Single structure function get(uint _index) public view returns(Employee memory) { return employees[_index]; } //return Array of structure Value function getEmployee() public view returns (uint[] memory, string[] memory, uint[] memory) { uint[] memory id = new uint[](employeeCount); string[] memory name = new string[](employeeCount); uint[] memory salary = new uint[](employeeCount); for (uint i = 0; i < employeeCount; i++) { Employee storage employee = employees[i]; id[i] = employee.empId; name[i] = employee.empName; salary[i] = employee.empSalary; } return (id, name, salary); } //return Array of structure function getEmployees() public view returns (Employee[] memory) { Employee[] memory id = new Employee[](employeeCount); for (uint i = 0; i < employeeCount; i++) { Employee storage employee = employees[i]; id[i] = employee; } return id; } }
我正在執行私人區塊,我的礦工正在開採這些區塊。我的礦工一直在執行,但他們正在添加空塊,所以我使用了 –preload mineWhenNeeded.js 標誌,並使用 mineWhenNeeded.js 中的以下程式碼將礦工限制為 12 個塊
var minimum_confirmations = 12; var mining_threads = 1 var txBlock = 0 function checkWork() { if (eth.getBlock("pending").transactions.length > 0) { txBlock = eth.getBlock("pending").number if (eth.mining) return; console.log(" Transactions pending. Mining..."); miner.start(mining_threads) interval = setInterval(function () { if (eth.getBlock("latest").number < txBlock + minimum_confirmations) { if (eth.getBlock("pending").transactions.length > 0) txBlock = eth.getBlock("pending").number; } else { console.log(minimum_confirmations + " confirmations achieved; mining stopped."); miner.stop() clearInterval(interval); } }, 600) } } eth.filter("latest", function (err, block) { checkWork(); }); eth.filter("pending", function (err, block) { checkWork(); }); checkWork();
這是我的 geth 命令
geth --datadir $ethereum_home/chaindata --preload "scripts/mineWhenNeeded.js" --networkid 45638 --verbosity 6 --rpc --port 30304 --rpcport 8545 --rpcaddr "" --rpcapi "web3,eth,personal,net" --rpccorsdomain --nodiscover --gcmode archive --allow-insecure-unlock console 2
經過幾次實驗後,我意識到如果我讓我的礦工執行一段時間並在 geth 控制台中使用以下程式碼**eth.getBlock(“pending”).gasLimit檢查我的最新塊的限制,限制會逐漸減少。**似乎如果我讓我的礦工一直執行,那麼我將不會再遇到所需的 gas 超過限額的問題。現在我想知道,我是否應該取消僅開採 12 個區塊的限制,但它會再次開始添加空區塊。我該怎麼辦?
區塊氣體限制可以通過兩個geth 命令行選項來控制
--miner.gastarget value
開採區塊的目標氣底--miner.gaslimit value