
我在哪裡把主地址放在這個腳本上以將 eth 重定向到主地址?

  • June 22, 2018
pragma solidity ^0.4.2;
* Contract that will forward any incoming Ether to its creator
contract Forwarder  {
 // Address to which any funds sent to this contract will be forwarded
 address public destinationAddress;

  * Create the contract, and set the destination address to that of the creator
 function Forwarder() {
   destinationAddress = msg.sender;

  * Default function; Gets called when Ether is deposited, and forwards it to the destination address
 function () payable {
         if (!destinationAddress.send(msg.value)) throw; 

例如,我希望將 eth 重定向到的地址是 0x104ea4435b2ed36f36dc403b3638d82ec6a21bb7 但我正在從另一個地址創建契約,我希望契約重定向到上面的地址。我在哪裡把它放在劇本上?

在建構子中,不要將 msg.sender 設置為destinationAddress,而是使用您的實際地址:

function Forwarder() {
       destinationAddress = 0x104ea4435b2ed36f36dc403b3638d82ec6a21bb7


