

  • October 20, 2017

我為 ropsten 部署了一個多重簽名錢包的合約並嘗試測試它的能力: https ://


  • 提取 ETH
  • 向其他合約發送交易(轉賬 erc20 代幣)


  • 添加所有者
  • 更換所有者
  • 基本上每一次錢包找零交易都失敗了


交易範例:https ://

First I use the wallet submitTransaction function and submitted a transaction to the same wallet contract with data that call the internal transaction change, addOwner. Then I used another owner key to confirm it. When the transaction got the required confirmations the contract called the method executeTransaction which execute this call:

In this example is 0x7065cb480000000000000000000000009ac4f6e64d56043991f486e375994f67ecbfdde0 calling addOwner("0x9ac4f6e64d56043991f486e375994f67ecbfdde0")

txn.value is 0

As you can see, the internal transaction is failing due to out of gas.

Did a little research and found out that after the call function, the contract “saves” some gas for after the internal transaction invoke, and the internal transaction invoked with only 700 gas that consumed immediately by the CALL opcode. line 728: 氣體消耗

Funny thing is, that at the end of the external transaction, the execution left with 27511 gas.

Some other wired stuff:

  • If I give the transaction a lot of gas (x10) it works fine.
  • If I use different contract to interact with (for example erc20.transfer) it works fine.
  • If I use the executeTransaction by itself (after the transaction is confirmed), it works fine.

So, What is going on? Why the gas estimation not working?

PS I tried it both with MEW and web3 js code for gas estimation.

So there is some unexpected behavior in the solidity compiler:

適用於pragma experimental "v0.5.0";編譯器 0.4.18。
