
如何應用程式碼以比 F5 更有效的方式隱藏 JPEG 圖像中的資訊?

  • October 22, 2022

F5隱寫算法使用二進制程式碼隱藏圖像中的資訊。但是當隱藏一個位時,受影響的DCT係數變為零,需要再次隱藏相同的位。這是因為接收器會忽略值為零的 DCT 係數,否則將無法讀取該位。由於這種現象通常會發生,因此容量會大大降低,同時對圖像所做的更改次數會增加。


The problem of zeros can be solved by using Wet Paper Codes (WPC). WPCs allow you to hide information by marking some elements as “wet”, that is, they cannot be modified.

The interesting thing about this technique is that it does not require the receiver to know what elements have been modified in order to read the message. So he doesn’t have to worry about zeros.

This modification of F5 already exists and is known as nsF5.

Also note that today’s JPEG steganography algorithms are much more advanced than this. They use cost functions that allow you to indicate how detectable each modification is, combined with advanced embedding schemes that insert a message while minimizing cost. You can refer to J-UNIWARD or J-MiPOD as cost functions and STC as embedding method.
